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Q: What are the statements concerning ATP and activity within the cell?
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It stops the activity within the cell.

What is the controlling organelle within the cell?

The Nucleus is the headquarters of the cell, it controls all cell activity.

What spherical object within a cell which controls its activity is the?

It's the nucleus

What controlls cellular activity?

Any and all activities that take place within a cell are controlled by the nucleus, one of the cell's organelles.

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I just did a lab in biology called "How Plant and Animal Cells Differ" and in the packet it had that question. The answer is: Lugol's iodine stain stops the activity of the cell. It kills whatever specimen it is staining.

What is the structure located in the cell which controls it activity called?

the nucleus has enclosed within it genetic material in the form of DNA, which controls all cellular activity

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What part controls the activity of a cell?

The answer is nucleus :)

Does cellular metabolism pertain to the movemnet of a cell or the chemical activity of a cell?

Chemical activity

What does the necleolus do in the cell?

nucleolus is an organelle in the cell that control the activity of the cell,it also contain a gene carrier that is DNA which contain heridity material within the cell. endoplasmic reticulum is attach to nucleus which contain ribosome for protein synthesis, it maintain integrity of the cell;

What is controlling the activity of the cell?

The nucleus of a cell

What detects cell activity in a cell?

A strategy for activity-based enzyme detection using a novel enamide-based chemical strategy is described. Enzymatic cleavage of an amide.