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Michigan is bordered by 4 of the 5 Great Lakes. They are Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan and Superior.

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Q: What are the states provinces and lakes that border Michigan?
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What are 3 states that border the great lakes?

Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio

Which central states border a Great Lake?

The state in the center of the Great Lakes is Michigan. Other central states that border the Great Lakes are Wisconsin and New York.

What Canadian provinces border the Great Lakes?

No Canadian provinces border Illinois

What two states border both Lakes Superior and Michigan?

Ontario and of course, which I think you know, Michigan.

What are six states of the Midwest border the great lakes?

michigan minnesota and wisconsin

What provinces can be found surrounding the Great Lakes?

The Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, and the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan,, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota surround the Great Lakes.

What 5 provinces of Canada border the Great Lakes?

Only the province of Ontario borders on the Great Lakes. None of the other provinces or territories do so. What we know as Lake Michigan is entirely within the USA, but hydrologically Lakes Michigan and Huron are actually just one body of water that has two large lobes. As such, there are really only four Great Lakes.

Four great lakes bordering the North Central states?

The four great lakes that border the North Central states are Lake Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Lake Superior.

What are the 4 Great Lakes that border some part of Michigan?

the 4 great lakes that border Michigan are superior,huron,michigan,anderie

How many Canadian provinces border the Great Lakes?

West of the Great Lakes, there are 4 states that border Canada, and east of the Great Lakes, there are 3 more. Of the 8 US states that border the Great Lakes, only 5 have an international boundary with Canada on a lake. 8 States that border a Great Lake: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. 12 states that border Canada: Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

What two states both border lakes superior and Lake Michigan?

Ontario and of course, which I think you know, Michigan.

What two regions do the great lakes border?

The Northeast and North-Central regions border the Great Lakes.