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Glycogen and Glucose.

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Q: What are the storage forms of carbohydrates found in animals?
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What are the storage and and quick-energy forms of carbohydrates found in animal?

Glucose, Fructose, and Galactose.

What are the storage and quick energy forms of carbohydrates found in animals and how are these forms structurally related to each other?

They are stored in glycogen, and used for energy. I hope you don't mind that I deleted the "traveling in light waves answer"

Which carbohydrates are found only in animals?

None. Carbohydrates are only found in plants.

What is the difference between amylopectin and glycogen?

Amylopectin is a branched chain polymer of glucose found in plants, while glycogen is a highly branched polymer of glucose found in animals and humans. Both serve as storage forms of glucose, with glycogen being the main form of energy storage in animals and humans, while amylopectin is the main form of energy storage in plants.

Is maltose found in animals?

Any food high in carbohydrates, it can't be found naturally

Do starch and sugar are carbohydrates?

Yes. Starch is a storage form of glucose (which is sugar) found in plants only. And as to sugar, such as maltose in beer, is also one of the carbohydrates.

Compare the two storage polysaccharides?

Glycogen is found in animals and Starches are found in plants.

What are the storage and quick-energy forms of carbohydrates found in animals and how are these forms structurally related to each other?

glycogen is the major source of glucose storage in most animals. It is mainly stored in the liver. Glucose is taken up from the blood stream and transported to the liver where cells link up the glucose molecules into chains which are called glycogen. I believe most types of glycogen formation in mammals is similar, only the amount and type of branching of these glycogen storage molecules may differ. and they are related because some can travel in waves like light and sound they all can have an impact on an object

Where does the body store carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are absorbed and converted into glucose. The glucose can be stored as glycogen in the liver and the muscle tissue. If these are full the glucose will be converted into fat and stored.

What are 2 polysaccharides found in animals?

the kind of polysaccharides that are found in animals are proteins and carbohydrates.

What molecules are storage forms of glucose in plant and animal cells?

The storage form is called glycogen and is usually found in the liver.

What plants and animals can be found in polluted water and what plants and animals be found in clean water?

many different plants and animals can be found in those habitats, although more life forms live in clean areas.