

What are the sugars under mono saccharides?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Glucose is another name for monosaccharide sugar.Monosaccharide sugar is found in honey and the juices of many fruits.

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Q: What are the sugars under mono saccharides?
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What are the monomers of a carbohydrate?

Simple sugars are called monomers which is mono saccharides.The mono saccharides for carbohydrates are glucose , fructose and glactose. Carbohydrates can also be Di saccharides which is sucrose , lactose.

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Monosaccharides are simple sugars. They are carbohydrates and one class of carbs is simple sugars and the 2 parts of simple sugars are mono- and di- saccharides

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What different types of sugars are there?

Sugars can be classified under various criteria.(1) According to the number of monomers present they could be classified as mono saccharides(one monomer), di saccharides(2 monomers) and oligosaccharides(3 to 10 monomers).Mono saccharides could be classified further depending on the number of C atoms present as:Triose (3 C atoms)Tetrose (4 C atoms)Pentose (5 C atoms)Hexose (6 C atoms)Heptose (7 C atoms)(2) According to the functional group present.If the functional group is an aldehyde then those sugars are AldosesIf the functional group is an ketone then those sugars are Ketoses.I saw this under the chemistry category. Hope this is what you expected.

What type of sugar are there?

Sugars can be classified under various criteria.(1) According to the number of monomers present they could be classified as mono saccharides(one monomer), di saccharides(2 monomers) and oligosaccharides(3 to 10 monomers).Mono saccharides could be classified further depending on the number of C atoms present as:Triose (3 C atoms)Tetrose (4 C atoms)Pentose (5 C atoms)Hexose (6 C atoms)Heptose (7 C atoms)(2) According to the functional group present.If the functional group is an aldehyde then those sugars are AldosesIf the functional group is an ketone then those sugars are Ketoses.I saw this under the chemistry category. Hope this is what you expected.

Are mono saccharides found in plants or animals?

Yes they can be found. They are very common

What do carbohydrates consist of?

Carbohydrates are sugars and starches in different and often complex arrangements. There are mono-saccharides like fructose, disaccharides like glucose, polysaccharides like lactose and complex fibers and starches, all consisting of saccharides as building blocks.

What are the eight mono saccharides?

glucose (dextrose),fructose (levulose),galactosexyloseribose

When simple sugars condense they form polymers called?


What type of smaller molecule are polysaccharides composed of?

Saccharides or sugars.

What is the building block of carbohydrate?

The building block of a carbohydrate is mono saccharides.