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The symptoms of a gallbladder attack are usually sharp stabbing pains. Although the gallbladder is located on the right side of the torso, the pains often radiate throughout the chest area, resembling a heart attack. Pains are usually worse after eating. Gallbladder attacks can also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting of bile, excessive belching and abdominal pain.

A strong pain under the right rib. Sometimes in the back too.

Gallbladder problems are made worse when you're constipated and don't eat enough greens, like salads.

Stop eating heavy fatty foods like meat, diary and carbs for a few days and eat more salads and water. It'll help your body to cope with any stones naturally.


Symptoms of chronic gallbladder disease can vary, some people have all of the symptoms; some have a few symptoms; and others have no symptoms at all. People who have NO symptoms are not exempt from having gallbladder disease; and their stones or their blockage may show up until other health testing is done.

Gallbladder attacks are most often set-off by a gallstone becoming lodged in the duct; attacks can be quiet painful, even unbearable. Stones can be any size to cause a blockage; including those that are very tiny in size; the size of a grain of sand. These tiny 'grains of sand' tend to glom together and plug the duct. Some gallstones can be larger than a Golf ball.

As a result, the symptoms of an attack can result in complaints consisting of nausea; dry heaves; vomiting; gas; diarrhea; and/or a chronic low-grade fever. The type and degree of pain can also vary; pain can be mild to severe: sharp; stabbing; burning; shooting or a dull ache, and the pain can be in any number of areas or one area of the body: pain on the right side, front of body: under the armpit; at the bottom of ribcage; abdominal area near the appendix, or just above the right leg; in the back; under the right shoulder blade, or between the shoulder blades; right and left sides, front of body: upper chest; mid-ribcage area; or center of chest below the breast bone, or the stomach.

The gallbladder is located just below the breast bone on the right side and joined to the liver. Attacks can sometimes happen suddenly after a large or fatty meal or for no apparent reason at all; most attacks happen at night; they effect more women than men; many symptoms mimic a stomach virus or an ulcer; the symptoms can be due to a sluggish live, or the bile duct flow is impaired in some way; pain can vary from person to person, as listed above; pain can be felt in a number of places, also as listed above ; the frequency and the severity of the pain can vary; the duration and time between the gallbladder attacks can also vary; stool color can be light to a chalky colored; and the symptoms can continue long after the gallbladder has been removed.

There are other things which can cause gallbladder inflammation and stones: such as; family history; smoking; diet; high cholesterol; food Allergies; Birth Control pills; estrogen therapy; pregnancy; infections; hepatitis; and hypothyroidism.

There are things which can mimic a gallbladder attack or a gallbladder attach can mimic other health issues: an fluctuation in the body's natural bile salts; a mild heart attack or angina; sever indigestion or an ulcer; liver disease; back spasms; even some symptoms from COPD can mimic a gallbladder attack; and yet as stated earlier; there are times when there are NO symptoms of a gallbladder issue.

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9y ago

Specific symptoms may vary based on what type of gallbladder condition you have, although many symptoms are common among the different types of gallbladder problems. But most gallbladder symptoms start with pain in the upper abdominal area, either in the upper right or middle.

Below are common symptoms of gallbladder conditions:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Pain that may extend beneath the right shoulder blade or to the back
  • Pain that worsens after eating a meal, particularly fatty or greasy foods
  • Pain that feels dull, sharp, or crampy
  • Pain that increases when you breathe in deeply
  • Chest pain
  • Heartburn, indigestion, and excessive gas
  • A feeling of fullness in the abdomen
  • Vomiting, nausea, fever
  • Shaking with chills
  • Tenderness in the abdomen, particularly the right upper quadrant
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
  • Stools of an unusual color (often lighter, like clay)
  • Some gallbladder problems, like simple gallstones that are not blocking the cystic duct, often cause no symptoms at all. They're most often discovered during an X-ray to diagnose another condition, or even during an abdominal surgery. The gallbladder doesn't seem like such a big deal until it's causing you severe pain. If you spot the symptoms of gallbladder trouble, head to your doctor for a diagnosis and prompt treatment to get your digestive tract running smoothly again.

abdominal pain, usually in the the right upper abdomen that comes & goes & is worse after eating fatty/greasy food, abdominal fullness, heartburn, clay-colored stools, excess gas, nausea & vomiting, a yellow tint to the whites of the eyes, & fever.
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9y ago

Gall stones are usually asymptomatic. That means without the symptoms. some times the gall stone enters the common bile duct and then give rise to obstructive jaudice. At times you get acute cholecystits. In this condition, you have severe pain in upper and right side of abdomen and fever with chills. Normally you have multiple gallstones in a gallbladder, which is usually functionless and you need to remove the same, by surgery.

Five symptoms of gallstones include:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen and upper back.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Bloating
  • Indigestion

Other symptoms are: gas and heartburn.

Extreme pain in the middle of your torso, also in the back sometimes, especially after eating roughage or fatty food.
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8y ago

Stomach pains in the higher portion of your right side. Nasuea, Diarrhea. Some cases, vomiting.

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What are some symptoms of gallbladder disease?

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