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It has never been demonstrated that there any such thing as 'amalgam poisoning'. In extremely rare cases, people have been shown to be allergic to one or more components of amalgam, but that is not the same as amalgam poisoning.

There are numerous websites and publications that try to make the claim that amalgam is toxic and dangerous. Nevertheless, the empirical evidence indicates amalgam fillings are extremely safe and adequate as dental restorations.

Consider this: Over the past 150 years, there have literally been billions of amalgam fillings placed in hundreds of millions of teeth in hundreds of millions of mouths throughout the world. If there was a significant health risk associated with amalgam fillings, it would have shown up by now at least in the millions. This simply is not the case.

If amalgam fillings were the cause of even half of what many people claim, it would be simple enough to demonstrate. All that would have to be done is collect health data on a few thousand people who have amalgam fillings. Then do the same with a few thousand people who have never had amalgam fillings. Then compare the data from the two groups. After allowing for age, sex, race, geography, and nutrition, if amalgam fillings are responsible for anything from Alzheimer's to Aids to Zebra stripes, it will show up clearly in the amalgam group and not in the control group. If not, then amalgam fillings are not the culprit.

Take the advice of Consumers Union who did an in-depth investigation into the claims that amalgam fillings were dangerous: If a dentist tells you all your amalgam fillings need to be replaced due to toxicity or some obscure medical condition, hold on to your wallet. The dentist is trying to line his pockets with gold. An "amalgam" is made from Mercury mixed with other metals (silver, zinc, etc), and mercury poisoning is not all that rare. If something has been used over 150 years, those that use it are not going to be extremely willing to change. If your dentist suggests you replace your fillings, but all means consult other experts, but include a medical doctor. You may be one of those 'rare' persons whose exposure to even a small amount of mercury is a serious health risk.

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