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Q: What are the symptoms of sicle cell Disease?
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What races get sicle cell disease?

any race can get it they say only african americans but i know a venezulan that has it

At what age is a person affected with sicle cell anemia?

its an inherited condition means person is born with that disease.its symptoms appears in first or second year of life and some individual don't develop symptoms until adulthood

Which types of mutation causes sickle cell anemia?

No single mutation is responsible for this disease. It just happens by abnormality in the red blood cells. It affects the hemoglobin.

Can you be in infantry with sicle cell in the army?

Sickle Cell Anemia will disqualify you from military service, unfortunately.

How is the sicle cell disease treated or managed?

Daily medication is prescribed mostly pennycilin and folic acid and the patient has to have check ups 2 or more times a year depending on how bad their case is

When does sickle cell disease appear?

Most people develop symptoms of sickle cell disease in early childhood (4-9 months)

Can Italians get sicle cell?

Although some ethnicities are more prone to getting diseases than others, none are immune to them. Sickle cell disease is hereditary, meaning that if a parent has the gene for sickle cell disease, then it can be passed to the child, who may either have it, or become a "carrier" (someone who has the gene, but traits of SCD do not show up). So, YES, Italians can get sickle cell disease. Written by a high school freshman (yeah, we're not that dumb)

What are some of the symptoms of SCD or Sickle Cell Disease?

SIckle Cell Disease is a blood disorder that affects red blood cells. Symptoms include anemia, jaundice, delayed growth, and episodes of pain called crises.

What is sicle cell?

I think you mean sickle cell diseaase. Here is some more information for you that will answer your question better than I can: In short, sickle cell disease is a blood disorder of the red blood cells. Basically, the red blood cells have an abnormal, rigid, sickle shape (hence the name sickle cell disease).

How can you conclude that a person has sicle cell anemia by looking at blood counts?

The red blood cells would be shaped like crescent moons.

What are the physical symptoms of sickle-cell disease?

Physical symptoms: fever, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache, pale skin, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet.

How many copies of the sickle cell allele do people with cycle cell disease inherit?

To display symptoms it requires 2 copies. Someone with one copy would only be a carrier and not display any symptoms.