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Headaches, nausea, depression, weight gain, reduced bone density with prolonged use, amenorrhea (no period), menometrorrhagia (prolonged and excessive bleeding during and between periods, irregular periods, infertility after discontinued use to name a few. Most if not all of the side effects resolve 1-2 years after going off the shot. There are reported cases of severe bleeding resulting in DNC or hystorectomy, as well as early menopause.

My personal experience was this: The first time I was on depo for 7 years. I have never had a bone density test so I have no idea if that was affected. I experienced headaches, low Back pain, depression, & amenorrha. The amenorrhea was clearly a result of depo. The other side effects may or may not be directly related. I did not gain any weight out of the ordinary... like a pound a year which I would consider normal.

When I stopped taking depo I began having breast tenderness. Over the course of the year following my breasts were tender/sore/swollen & went from 32C/34B to 32DD/34D. My menstrual cycle returned at about 6 months post and was regular by 12 months with mittleschmirtz indicating ovulation.

After 2 years off depo I started it again. The effects were the same over the course of the year however I did gain 5-10 pounds over the holidays which could be attributed to switching from a job on my feet to a desk job... and holiday parties. I did get crampy when I was dur for a shot but didn't spot. My closest friend said she could tell when I was getting close to being due for my shot because I was moody like PMS. While on the shot my breasts went back to a 32D.

I discontinued depo again and am now 6 months post my last shot. I'm back to a 32DD/34D and my breasts are sore. I have lost 5 lbs over the last 3 months as well but through healthy eating and exercise. i should note that the weight I gained over the holidays did not affect bra size. I still have no menstrual cycle.

Everyone reacts differently to depo. I'd say my experience is uniquely lacking in negative side effects. However, if I could have directly attributed the depression, back pain & headaches to it I would not have continued it. I had a head & back injury that were suspect so doctors never considered depo as the source.

Hope this helps someone!

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Q: What are the symptoms that come with the birth control shot?
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What is the purpose of a birth control shot?

The birth control shot is a very effective form of birth control. The hormone progesterone in the birth control shot works by preventing ovulation. The shot is given in the arm or the buttocks every three months. There is a chance of pregnancy if you wait over three months for your next shot.

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If she was on birth control you should not have much to worry about.

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Getting "the shot" or Depo-Provera for birth control can increase your appetite, which can cause weight gain.

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It doesn't.

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It's the medication in the birth control shot.

Is birth control a drug?

Birth control pills, patch, ring, shot, and Mirena IUD contain medications.

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See your doctor or birth control clinic.

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Antibiotics rarely affect the birth control pill in general.

Is it safe to get a birth control shot?

The Depo shot has about a 99% chance of preventing pregnancy.

If on birth control how would you know you pregnant?

If you're taking birth control pills you simply wait for your planned period to come. If your period doesn't come, you should go to the doctor or take a home pregnancy test. If you're taking any other birth control methods, such as the depo provera shot, I encourage you to see your doctor if you think you might be pregnant.