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Symptoms of Breast cancer can vary widely from person to person (note I didn't say woman to woman because men can actually develop breast cancer as well, although it is much more rare).

Some of the more prevalent symptoms of breast cancer include:

1) a detectable lump, mass, or nodule in the breast or underarm areas beneath the skin (this doesn't necessarily mean it's cancer, but these need to be checked out by a physician),

2) swelling, tenderness, red streaking, or localized pain, especially around an area where a lump, mass or nodule has been detected,

3) any discharge not related to lactation/breast-feeding,

4) (general to cancer infection) unexplained malaise (tiredness), weakness, fever, etc.

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11y ago

Changes to look out for You should see your GP if you notice any of the following: * a lump, or thickened area of tissue, in either breast, * discharge from either of your nipples (which may be streaked with blood), * a lump or swelling in either of your armpits,a change in the size, or shape, of one, or both, of your breasts, * dimpling on the skin of your breasts, * a rash on, or around, your nipple,a change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast, or * pain in either of your breasts or armpits which is not related to your period.

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11y ago

The first symptom, or subjective sign, of breast cancer is typically a lump that feels different from the surrounding breast tissue. According to the The Merck Manual, more than 80% of breast cancer cases are discovered when the woman feels a lump. According to the American Cancer Society, the first medical sign, or objective indication of breast cancer as detected by a physician, is discovered by mammogram. Lumps found in lymph nodes located in the armpits[8] can also indicate breast cancer.

Indications of breast cancer other than a lump may include changes in breast size or shape, skin dimpling, nipple inversion, or spontaneous single-nipple discharge. Pain ("mastodynia") is an unreliable tool in determining the presence or absence of breast cancer, but may be indicative of other breast health issues.

When breast cancer cells invade the dermal lymphatics—small lymph vessels in the skin of the breast—its presentation can resemble skin inflammation and thus is known as inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer include pain, swelling, warmth and redness throughout the breast, as well as an orange-peel texture to the skin referred to as peau d'orange.Another reported symptom complex of breast cancer is Paget's disease of the breast. This syndrome presents as eczematoid skin changes such as redness and mild flaking of the nipple skin. As Paget's advances, symptoms may include tingling, itching, increased sensitivity, burning, and pain. There may also be discharge from the nipple. Approximately half of women diagnosed with Paget's also have a lump in the breast.

Occasionally, breast cancer presents as metastatic disease, that is, cancer that has spread beyond the original organ. Metastatic breast cancer will cause symptoms that depend on the location of metastasis. Common sites of metastasis include bone, liver, lung and brain. Unexplained weight loss can occasionally herald an occult breast cancer, as can symptoms of fevers or chills. Bone or joint pains can sometimes be manifestations of metastatic breast cancer, as can jaundice or neurological symptoms. These symptoms are "non-specific", meaning they can also be manifestations of many other illnesses.

Most symptoms of breast disorder do not turn out to represent underlying breast cancer. Benign breast diseases such as mastitis and fibroadenoma of the breast are more common causes of breast disorder symptoms. The appearance of a new symptom should be taken seriously by both patients and their doctors, because of the possibility of an underlying breast cancer at almost any age.

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11y ago

Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant or cancer cells are formed in the breast tissues of female.Most often breast cancer is first noticed as a painless lump in the breast or armpit. You or your partner may discover the lump, or your doctor may find it during a routine physical exam or screening mammogram. Other signs might include:

lump or swelling in the armpit

changes in breast size or shape

dimpling or puckering of the skin - thickening and dimpling skin is sometimes called orange peel

redness, swelling and increased warmth in the affected breast

inverted nipple - nipple turns inwards

crusting or scaling on the nipple

Often, these symptoms are not caused by cancer. Other health problems can cause them. Testing is necessary to make a diagnosis.

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11y ago

A lump in the breast or underarm that persists after your menstrual cycle, swelling of the armpit, a noticeable flattening or indentation of the breast, unusual discharge from the nipple, a marble-like area under the skin, change in size or contour of the breast. Also note that lumps are usually painless so pain or tenderness can be a sign of breast cancer.

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12y ago

The most common signs of breast cancer are lumps, area that thickens, and dimpling around the nipple. Keep in mind that just because you show these symptoms it doesn't mean you have breast cancer.

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12y ago

At the very first stages of breast cancer, there are typically no symptoms. The cells mutate, there are very tiny lumps, and these lumps usually can't be felt by you. They may not cause anything out of the ordinary. Breast cancer can still be caught early with monthly self-breast exams, catching masses before a mammogram. All women should have a yearly mammogram to screen for breast cancer, especially if they are not doing self-breast exams.

Breast Cancer Signs

Lumps are usually the first sign that people notice. It is a new lump or mass in the tissue that will show up on mammogram, during a monthly self-test, or during a manual exam by a doctor. These masses can be tender and round, but lumps that are hard and uneven are typically more prone to being cancer. Once a lump is found, it will need to be screened for cancer

Changes in the Breast

The American Cancer Society notes that other than breast lumps, breast cancer symptoms are signs of change. It can be breast pain, nipple pain, or a nipple that turns inward. There can be breast swelling and skin dimpling or irritation. There can be a discharge from the nipple as well as a lump in the armpit. Lastly, the nipple or breast skin can have redness, thickening, or be scaly. These are also signs of less serious conditions like infection or cysts, so get them checked out by a doctor quickly.

Anything that is different about the breast tissue and skin, whether it is color, shape, feel, texture, or temperature should be checked. Slight changes can be from hormones, and should be noted in some type of planner or diary. However, long term differences or very severe changes that come on quickly typically are not hormonal. A doctor will be able to tell the difference in the changes and be able to suggest the proper tests to check for cancer.

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What are the symtoms of breast cancer?

The symptoms that would you'd have if you get diagnosed with breast cancer : * lump or swelling in the armpit *changes in the breast size or shape * Dimpling or puckering of the skin-thickening and dimpling skin is sometimes called orange peel. * redness, swelling and increased warmth in the affected breast. *invent nipple-nipple turns in words *crusting or scaling on the nipple.

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