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Q: What are the three American political ideologies?
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Related questions

When was Journal of Political Ideologies created?

Journal of Political Ideologies was created in 1996.

How did religion and philosophy affect the growing American reform movement?

The influence of religion and philosophy on the American reform movement has to do with conflicts of ideologies. It is very difficult to argue political ideologies against ethical or theological perspectives. Usually, these debates make little to no progress.

What are political ideologies called that tend to fall in the middle of the political spectrum?


What statement about a political spectrum is true?

Answer this question… The most common American ideologies are liberal and conservative, and It is a set of beliefs about human nature and the role of government only.

Consciously held systems beliefs about governments and politics are?

Political Ideologies

What political ideologies emerged from world war 1?

Facism and Nationalism

Are conservatives considered right wingers?

In the highly simplified 1-dimensional 'right-left' model of political ideologies, conservativism is considered to be on the right.

The two opposing ideologies that waged the Cold War and created two major political boundaries were?

The two opposing ideologies that waged the Cold War and created two major political boundaries were Communism and Democracy.

What does political ideologies mean in your own words?

They are the ideas used for persuade the people to support some political party.

What were the political ideologies of the US?

The US has many different political ideologies because its people are allowed the freedom of speech. There are many liberal ideals such as equality for everyone and a call for peace. There are also many conservative ideologies which call for people to return to religion and put more power in big business.

Which ideologies represents the major schools of political ideology that permeate American politics?

a. Liberalism b. Conservatism c. Socialism d. All of the above e. A and B only

What types of ideologies (political, religious, or other) influence Ukraine's government?
