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Q: What are the three conditions that must be met for refraction to occur?
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For refraction to occur in a wave the wave must?

For refraction to occur in a wave, the wave must enter a new medium at an angle.

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What surfaces refract light?

For refraction to occur, there must obviously be two different substances that are both transparent to the radiation or waves under consideration. Also, the two substances must have different indices of refraction.

At what angle does no refraction occur?

this angle is called the critical angle of a substance. To work it out you must know the refractive index of that substance.

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Variation must exist.

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1. You must be gay. 2. You must love bum. 3. Must eat poo 4.

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All organisms must reproduce.

What are the conditions for total internal reflection to take place?

Light must travel from the optically denser medium to the optically less dense one. For total internal reflection to occur, the angle of incidence in the optically denser medium must be greater than the critical angle of that medium. The critical angle is that angle of incidence in the optically denser medium for which the angle of refraction is 90o.

Which of these is one of the conditions for hardy-weinberg equilibrium?

Mutation cannot occur. Apex