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carnivore-meat eater

herbivore-plant eater

cannibal-eats own kind

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Q: What are the three names given to organisms or animals based on what they eat?
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Four reasons organisms are given specific names?

because all names are in the latin language

What is an organism's classification?

That just means how it is labelled. Organisms are organized with labels and names based on the other organisms is it similar to.

Why do organisms need spacific names?

so that they woul know the diffences in plantes and animals

What names is given to the types of organisms that can use photosynthesis to produce glucose?

ball sacks

Is all organisms now classified based on their common names in any language?


What is scientific name of the leaf of ocimum tenuiflorum?

The leaf of the plant has the same scientific name as the plant itself. Scientific names are given to organisms as a whole, so leaves, stems, varying appendages in animals, etc., do not have different scientific names than the organism as a whole.

How did dinosaurs get their nam?

Many are given names based in Greek or Latin that give a basic description of their most outstanding unique feature. Others were named after the person who found them and some were given names based on where they were first found.

What are the zodiac signs and what animal do they represent?

The zodiac signs are based on the soler system and the animals are the constalations and the names are the names of the constalations

What animals have onomotopoiec names?

Bob-a-link Name for Meadow Lark based on its call.

Who gives an organisms its names?

The discoverer who is bounded by the rules given for example by International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants.

Where do both parts of scientific names of organisms come from?

The two different organisms are plants and well humans and animals. they come from the different shape and ways of their cells, such as the vacules or the nucleus and its placement.

What is the practice of classifying organisms?

Taxonomy- branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on studies of their shared characteristics; biologists who study taxonomy are called taxonomists.