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three types of winter white are the pearl, agouti, and Sapphire. The normal type of winter white is the agouti.

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Q: What are the three types of winter white hamsters?
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Related questions

How many types of hamsters exists?

Syrian Hamsters - Winter White Hamsters - Chinese Hamsters - Campbells Dwarf Hamsters - Roborovski Hamsters So, 5.

How long do Winter White Hamsters live?

Two to Three years

Can you get white hamsters?

Yes you can. If you are interested they are called Winter White Russian Dwarf hamsters.

Can a dwarf hamster be white when its not winter?

Yes, many dwarf hamsters are white even if it isn't winter - and it isn't just Russian Winter White Dwarf Hamster that may turn white in the winter. Some hamsters just are white.

Are winter white Russian hamsters nocturnal?

All hamsters are nocturnal.

Can winter white hamsters swim?

Hamsters can swim. They will drown if they do though.

Do winter white hamsters turn wwhite in winter or can they just be that color?

it depends they can turn white in the winter or they can just stay that color

How many types of dwarves hamsters?

There are 4 types of Dwarf Hamsters, that are kept as pets. The most common is the Campbells Dwarf and the next is The Roborovski Dwarf. The next is the Winter white and the least most common is The Chinese .

What are the types of hamsters?

There are many types. Common hamster (any colour), panda bear hamster (black and white), black bear hamster (black), teddy bear hamster (any colour), golden hamster (any colour), albino hamster (white with pink eyes), dwarf hamsters (any colour). All of these hamsters are classified, Winter white, campbell's,etc. All of these hamsters except for dwarf hamsters are considered Syrian hamsters.

Do winter white hamsters store food in the mouth?

Yes. I'm pretty sure all hamsters do that, but I have a winter white that never empties her cheek pouches! :)

What kinds of hamsters are there?

There are Syrian Hamsters (the most common type), Dwarf Russian Campbells Hamsters, Dwarf Russian Winter White Hamsters, Dwarf Roborovski Hamsters, and Dwarf Chinese Hamsters.

Can you have more than 2 Winter White Hamsters?
