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The Tetragrammaton, YHWH (modern Hebrew: YHVH), believed to have been pronounced 'Yahweh' is a name for God first used by the anonymous source now known as the Yahwist, but eventually used by other biblical authors. The Yahwist came from the southern Hebrew kingdom of Judah, and was an early source for material that eventually became part of the Pentateuch. Some scholars now believe that the origin of YHWH was with the Midianite storm god, YHW.

'Elohim was first used as a name for God by another anonymous source now known as the Elohist, who represented the northern kingdom of Israel. Elohim is the Hebrew plural form of El, a god, but when used in a singular context, or with a singular verb, it was a reference to the Israelite national God. In a few instances, such as the story of Joseph, it is sometimes unclear whether Joseph is being portrayed as talking about the Israelite God or the Egyptian gods (plural).

El Shaddai (God Almighty) was a name often preferred by the later Priestly Source.

AnswerThere are 72 different 'names' for HaShem in the Tanach (Jewish Bible). These aren't actually names though, they are descriptions of Him that are contextual.

The Creator has one true name which is represented by the letters YHVH in English. The Hebrew letters are "yud, hei, vav, hei". These four letters are referred to as the tetragrammaton and are a contraction of the Hebrew words for, "was, is, and will be". His true name was only said in the Temple and with the Temple's destruction we lost the correct pronunciation. Although attempts have been made to guess the correct pronunciation, it is virtually impossible as the letter 'vav' can be both consonant or vowel, depending on the word (similar to the letter 'y' in English). We do not know the form the letter 'vav' (or 'waw' if you wish to use the German transliteration) takes in the tetragrammaton.

The English word 'Yahweh' is of Christian origin and is not accepted as a valid pronunciation by Jewish scholars.

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Q: What are the three words used for God in the Old Testament?
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