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The pope gave Charlemagne the title of Holy Roman Emperor, on Christmas Day of 799(?)/800

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Q: What are the titles given to Charlemagne by pope?
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What was Charlemagne named after helping the pope defend Rome?

Charlemagne was given the title of Holy Roman Emperor.

How was charlemagne different then other germanic rulers?

Charlemagne was given the title of Emperor by the Pope, and none of his daughters ever married.

Did the Frankish king Charlemagne receive the title of pope in appreciation for his help in protecting Rome from invasion?

No, Charlemagne was given the title of Holy Roman Emperor.

Why did Charlemagne not invite pope when he passed his crown to his son?

Charlemagne was not prepared for his coronation and may not have wanted to be crowned by the Pope. If the Pope had the power to crown Charlemagne king, the Pope might also have the right to remove the crown.

What was the group from which Charlemagne rescued rome?

Charlemagne was the king of the Franks. The pope asked him to attack the Lombards and end their rule in Italy. In exchange he was given the title of Roman emperor. This led to the formation of the Carolingian empire. It has been given this name because it was ruled by Charlemagne and his close relatives (after his death). Italy became part of this empire. Charlemagne was called Roman emperor to symbolise the independence of western Europe from the Roman empire of the East which previously was in charge of part of Italy. The pope also was meant to be a subordinate of this empire. Charlemagne provided the military power that gave the Pope and Italy this independence through his alliance with the pope.

What did the pope give as Charles' new title?

I assume you are referring to Charlemagne who was given the title of Holy Roman Emperor.

How did Charlemagne and the Carolingians build the Frankish Empire?

Supported the pope; pope crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Roman people

In the frankish empire- what was the connection with the pope?

The Frankish Empire was also called the Carolingian Empire after Charlemagne, its founder. The pope crowned Charlemagne as emperor. He did this as a reward for breaking Lombard rule in Italy. Charlemagne was given the title of 'Roman Emperor' to symbolise the independence of Italy and (western European) Roman Catholic Christendom form the Eastern Roman Empire which had controlled central Italy and the pope. Basically, Charlemagne was the emperor of Roman Catholic Christendom.

Why was it important that Pope Leo III named Frankish king Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans in 800CE?

When Charlemagne was named โ€œEmperor of the Romans,โ€ it simultaneously symbolized Charlemagne's importance and the power of the Catholic Church. For Charlemagne, being associated with the greatness or the Roman Empire- by the Pope, no less- let all of Europe know that his power invoked the memory and legacy of Rome. For the Church, it showed people that the titles it bestowed on people still carried weight and influence.

Why was Charlemagne concerned when the pope crowned him the new Roman emperor?

Charlemagne did not want people to think the pope had the power to choose who was emperor.

Who crowned Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor?

Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne.

Who was called emperor of the Romans by the pope?
