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Filipino students face more social inequality in mainstream schools due to peer pressure, racial and ethnic bias and a percentage of families being in the lower income groups. Their traits, attributes, can directly dictate their success or failure. If they are not given the same educational opportunities to success or at the very least have the chance to succeed then more will take the "why bother" attitude.

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Q: What are the traits of Filipino students that affect democratic teaching and learning?
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What are the outstanding traits of the filipino students that affect democratic teaching and learning?

Filipino students have been shown through research to be more motivated than American students at the same age. Filipino students also show a greater persistence than American students. This quality can impact democratic teaching and learning by causing more critical thinking skills that help students to see beyond the basic information or accepting information at "face-value."

Strategies in teaching Filipino?

There are several teaching strategies used for teaching Filipino children. One strategy is to build a trusting relationship with the students.

What is teaching learning process?

teaching is nothing but to create creative students

What is the effect of instructional material in teaching and learning in the school?

it motivate students to listen to the teacher during teaching

. As a prospective Filipino teacher, what benefits will you drive these programs?

As a prospective Filipino teacher, there are several benefits I could drive from educational programs: Language Preservation: Teaching the Filipino language helps preserve the country's rich linguistic and cultural heritage. It ensures that future generations can connect with their roots. Cultural Awareness: By teaching Filipino, I can promote cultural awareness and understanding among students, fostering a sense of pride in our culture and a deeper appreciation of diversity. Communication Skills: Proficiency in Filipino can improve students' communication skills, making them more effective communicators in both their personal and professional lives. Global Perspective: Teaching Filipino can help students develop a global perspective by connecting them to the Filipino diaspora and international communities interested in the language and culture. Job Opportunities: Learning Filipino can open up job opportunities in various fields, such as translation, interpretation, international relations, and teaching, both in the Philippines and abroad. Educational Access: I can facilitate access to educational resources in the Filipino language, making it easier for students to access knowledge and connect with their peers. Community Engagement: Through teaching, I can engage with the local Filipino community, offering support and guidance to students and their families, promoting a sense of belonging. Personal Fulfillment: Being a Filipino teacher can be personally fulfilling as I contribute to the development of young minds and the preservation of our culture and language. These benefits highlight the value of teaching Filipino and the positive impact it can have on students and society as a whole.

Why teaching and learning give life to the curriculum?

Teaching and learning give life to curriculum because it is the key that keeps the students attention. The teachers give the students what they need what they need with the curriculum through their teaching methods.

What is the relevance of instructional materials in teaching learning process?

it motivate students to listen to the teacher during teaching

What is the role of teacher in the teaching learning process?

Teachers cause/facilitate/encourage learning in their students, and in themselves.

What is exploratory learning?

Exploratory learning is a method of teaching in line with constructivist teaching theories. In exploratory learning the students learn new information either through experimentation or using their prior knowledge and guidance from the instructor. Exploratory learning is an alternative to the traditional method of instruction where students are told the information and asked to memorize it.

What is the meaning of teaching learning process?

The teaching learning process involves a teacher sharing knowledge (either formally or informally) with students who assimilate the knowledge in order to learn and use it.

Benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the learning-teaching process?

One of the benefits of scoring rubrics in the teaching-learning process is that students can effectively visualize what they have to do to earn the grade they want.

What What is the importance of the value integration in the teaching process of students?

When learning about integration, students can learn to accept others for who they are without any bias.