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The southern states were the Confederate States they were also called rebels. The northern states were called the Union States and they were also called yankees. There were several different slang terms for each side. It just depends on who you ask.

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Q: What are the two sides called in the US Civil War besides north and south?
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What were the two opposing sides during the US Civil Wars?

the two sides during the US civil war were the union (North) and the confederacy (south)

Who were the sides that were fighting in the civil war?

The North, Union, and the South, Confederates.

What are the two sides in the civil war?

There was the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy).

Similarities between north and south during civil war?

The similarities between north and the civil war are...... Both sides were American. Both sides spoke English. Both sides raised regional units. Both sides had the same weapons. Both sides had poor medical care. Both sides wanted to expand

What two sides was the war between?

The civil war was the North and south or the Union and Confederates

Was there sides of the military during civil war?

yes union to the north and confederate to the south

What were men called on both sides in civil war?

Union And Confedarate

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north and south

Which country did the US fight for in the Civil War?

The Civil War was a between the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South) in the United States. No two countries were fighting against each other. That's why it was called a civil war because it was a war between two sides in one country.

What was the 2 sides of the Civil War?

The two sides of the US Civil War were the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA againsts th Confederat States of America. The Civil War was the North and South, the Yanks against the Rebs,or the United States (North) and the Confederacy (South). However, there have been other civil wars in other countries; civil war simply means a war within the boundaries of a country.

Are North and South capitalized when writing of the Civil War?

When you are talking about the sides in the war, yes. If you are referring to the direction, they moved north, not. If you say they joined the North, yes.