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Q: What are the types of ecosystems in the dry sclerophyll?
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What type of environment does Tasmanian devils live in?

Tasmanian Devils live in dry bush habitat such as coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest, and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.

What animals are found in dry sclerophyll forests?

Some animals that are found in a dry sclerophyll forest are common wombats, magpies, kookaburras, bandicoots, shingle back lizard and brush tail possum.

Do Tasmanian Devils live in a pond environment?

No. Tasmanian Devils are not water-dwelling creatures. They live in dry bush habitat such as coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest, and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.

Do quolls live in the desert?

No. Quolls are not found in the desert. They require bushland, either wet sclerophyll or dry sclerophyll bushland, we some live in rainforest.

What flora does Mt Kosciuszko have?

Mt. Kosciuszko has several types of plants living there. There are snow gum, alpine ash trees. There are also dry sclerophyll and wattle forests.

Can you find Tasmanian devils in Australia?

Yes. The natural habitat of the Tasmanian Devil is in Tasmania, the island state of Australia. Their habitat is coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.

What is the environment of the rainbow lorikeet?

Rainbow lorikeets have a varied environment. They live in rainforests and bushland (both wet sclerophyll and dry sclerophyll), and are also common in suburbia, feeding on the native plants in people's backyards.

Is the Tasmanian devil a forest animal?

Yes. Although bushland in Australia is not usually referred to as "forest", the Tasmanian devil could be said to be a forest animals. Tasmanian Devils live in dry bush habitat such as coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest (eucalyptus bushland), and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.

Do quolls live in wetlands?

Quolls can live near wetlands, but not in wetlands,, as they are found in wet and dry sclerophyll forest (eucalyptus bushland).

In what country is the Tasmanian devil found?

Tasmanian Devils live in Tasmania, the island state of Australia. Their habitat is coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest. There may be specimens in some zoos round the world but the animal originated in Tasmania and the Australian mainland. However, there are no longer any remaining on the mainland.

What are the three types of ecosytems?

three types of ecosystems are coatal, desert and forest

Is defined by types of ecosystems defined by types of weather?

biome climate zone