

What are the work hours like for being a vet in the US?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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For private practice, veterinarians in the US work between 50 and 60 hours per week on average.

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Q: What are the work hours like for being a vet in the US?
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How many hours do you work a day being a vet?

A vet works about 9 hours a day and should be able to be called on 24/7. But you can have shifts within the day.

What are the work hours like for being a vet?

It depends which office you work at. I have a friend who works as an assistant from roughly 10:00am-6pm daily. However, it will vary depending on your boss and your location.

How many hours would a vet work during a typical work week?

84 hours a week and 6 days

How long does a vet work on weekdays?

At a specialty clinic, a vet may work 6-8 hours a day during the week. In contrast, an ambulatory large animal vet may work 20 hours a day during the week if he is on call for emergency after working a 10 hour day shift.

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Being a vet is just like being a scientist or a surgeon just that a vet treats animals so a vet must also treat the animal as a human and follow the rules closely.

What does it take to be successful as a vet?

Hard work and lots of studying. Being a vet isn't actually hard, most of the time it's simple stuff like helping cows give birth.

Disadvantage of being a vet?

One of the main disadvantages is the working hours - a private practitioner may work 50 hours a week during daylight hours then have one or two nights a week on emergency call where he is working all night as well.

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of being a vet?

The advantages of being a vet are that you get to work with animals and help pet owners. The disadvantage is that you might not have enough business to live comfortably.

Hours a vet works a day?

hours a vet worka a day

What are the work hours for a vet assistant?

Most vets are open some evenings and weekend days.

What are some interesting data about being a vet?

The vet can save animals' lives just like doctors do to humans. Being a vet is a great job! It pays really well. You need 90s in school to be able to be a vet.

What is the work condition of a veterinary like?

it has to depends on the type of vet that you are. so they might work inside or outside or even both. They get to work with animals so it might be smelly. if you like animals they you are OK with that. they get to work with other vets and vet nurses. =)