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Most likely blisters.

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Q: What are these red bumps on your foot that have fluid then drain?
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Do I have Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne forms cysts, which could be the red bumps you experience. Cysts, specifically, are fluid or pus-filled cavities inside the bumps.

What is small red bumps in skin?

Your question does not contain enough information to be answered. Your question needs to mention where the bumps are on your body.

When you got an oil change why was the oil red?

Either someone put transmission fluid in the oil filler or the transmission fluid drain plug was mistakenly opened instead of the engine oil. In other words, transmission fluid is red and engine oil should be amber to black in colour. Note some automobiles use red fluid for power steering as well but usually don't have a drain plug for that.

Is it bad to flush transmission fluid in a Honda Civic?

Yes...just drain and refill a couple of times till the fluid is bright red again !

What is fluid filled red bumps that occur on back between shoulder blade area?

Fluid-filled red bumps that occur on the back, between the shoulder blade area, could be one of two things. They could be body acne or cysts.

What are the red bumps on a turkey's head are called?

The red bumps on a turkey's head are called CARUNCLES.

What would red itchy bumps that leak clear puss and turn purple on the ankle and top of foot be?

It's your foot getting eaten alive by fungus. Sorry you're going to have to get it cut off.

What are Scapies?

i have red bumps on my neck and when i press down it itches. The bumps are hard and looks like mosquito bumps is this scapies?

What do you do when there are red bumps on your legs?

When u shave it gives u red bumps I get them all the time in the winter, cuz my legs are dry

Does Bikini waxing cause red bumps on the skin?

Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, waxing can cause red bumps that resemble razor burn. There are ways to prevent or minimize the red bumps, such as exfoliating or applying warm compresses before waxing.

What are red bumps on your stomach?

The burning red bumps could be many different things. Some things it may be is poison ivy, hives or scabies.

What are red irratible bumps called that appear on your body?

The term for these red bumps is generally known as a "rash". However, there can be a number of different causes for this symptom.