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There are a couple ways the average person can help with global warming. You can plant trees, (planting four is the equivalent to taking 100,000 car's carbon dioxide off the road for a year!) You can buy energy efficient light bulbs, (produces a lot less carbon dioxide, doesn't get as hot, is brighter and saves you cash!) You can buy an energy efficient car, (some diesel cars run on vegetable oil!) Turn off those lights, (don't forget to unplug them as well, or they will waste the same amount of carbon dioxide as if they were on!) If you have a pool don't heat it in the summer, (let Mother Nature do it for you.)Buy foods from your state or country, (the cars transportation your food won't waste as much carbon dioxide. These are just a few of the ways you can do your part to stop global warming. From- Q&A master

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16y ago
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12y ago

The problem of global warming is twofold: Too many greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, are being emitted into the atmosphere; secondly, the earth's natural system for reducing carbon dioxide, plants and especially trees through photosynthesis, are destroyed when forests are clearcut.

Two things an individual can do on their own to reduce global warming are to reduce (preferrably eliminate, and even more preferrably reverse) their 'carbon footprint' -- how much carbon dioxide they cause to be released into the atmosphere. Basically, just reduce how much carbon dioxide a person is personally responsible for with personal choices in how they get around (getting around by bicycle or bus instead of driving alone in a gas-guzzling SUV) and making environmentally responsible choices in the products they buy, and offset what carbon dioxide emissions a person is responsible for by planting trees.

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9y ago

There are so many things that you can do to prevent global warming. These may include creating awareness, proper disposal of garbage, using green energy to avoid pollution and so much more.

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There is little, if anything you can do to stop global warming. Since the planet has not warmed in 17 years, yet carbon emissions have changed little, it is relatively pointless to believe we can change or alter natural cycles the earth has been going through for eons.

That being said, preventing pollution should be a top priority, as we all need clean air and water. Companies that pollute should be fined until they clean up their act.

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12y ago

You cannot stop global warming. It is irreversible; however, you can make changes in your everyday life to slow it down, including taking shorter showers, hanging your clothes to dry instead of using a dryer, switching to green power and planting a tree. You may feel like doing these small things don't make a difference, but if you get into a routine of taking only 5 minute showers, over the course of say two years you could have saved thousands of gallons of water! (and it costs less too!).

There are other things you can do to help the environment that cost very little or no money and little effort or time:

1) Turn off any pluged in electronics not being used

2) Purchase low-cost-low flow shower heads approx. $20 but last long

3) Purchase dual-flush toilet flusher - also $20 but last long

4) get a rain barrel- instead of leaving spinklers on collect rain water for your plants etc.

5) carpool, bus, biking,walk more often instead of a vehicle.

6) take shorter showers, turn off water while brushing your teeth

7) wash your clothing in cold water only, use less energy to produce HOT water.

8) next car you buy- hybrid. good price good help

9) do NOT use harmful sprays on your lawns- their are other ways to get rid of pests.

10) recycle, reduse, reuse. you hear it everywhere and it really does a difference.

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8y ago

As an individual you can help reduce our use of coal and oil.

You can do this by using less electricity: by replacing incandescent light globes by high efficiency one, by turning off appliances when not in use, by using air-conditioning less, by installing insulation in your home.

You can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions from transport by: using public transport more, buying a smaller car next time, using biofuels where possible.

use eco friendly lights

showers, not baths!

Recycle. Carpool. Use re-usable materials. Save paper. Respect nature & life.

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9y ago

Reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide by adopting new power sources such as wind, hydroelectric, and nuclear would reduce the impact of global warming. Global warming is being caused by the increased accumulation of greenhouse gasses, so any reduction in their emission would begin to lessen its effect and lower Earth's temperature.

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12y ago

The best thing you can do for global warming is to focus on reducing your energy consumption, because the real issue facing the planet is our dwindling global energy resources. The science indicates that global warming is a natural phenomenon and as such there is little humans can do to stop it, or the global cooling cycle which will follow.

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12y ago

recycle, turn off electrical things when they're not in use, you can drive an enviormentally friendly car or just drive less, these are just a few things out of many to help save earth

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12y ago

Electric, gas/electric hybrids. Wind power, solar power. Recyle. Stop the population explosion with a male Birth Control pill.

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Q: What can be done to reduce the impact of global warming?
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