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It's thought he was hypoglycaemic.

He was going bald.

He was a very intelligent man.

Gifted public speaker.

One of a kind tactical and strategic genius.

He never actually became emperor.

Though he was crowned 'dictator for life' by the senate.

He was such a brilliant general and leader of men that the words 'Tsar' and 'Kaiser' ( both meaning leader of some description ) are derived directly from his name.

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11y ago

Julius Caesar established a calender with 365 days. He was a very important Roman military a political leader. He played a critical role in transforming the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.He was proclaimed dictator of life.

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Q: What are three important things about Julius Caesar?
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There was no character named John in Julius Caesar. However three mysterious things you can see in Caesar include his bond with Cassius, friendship with Brutus both of whom conspired to assassinate him and finally his loyalty to his country amidst various challenges he faces.

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Julius Caesar had three wives. They were Cornelia, Pomponia, and Calpurnia.

Who said good morrow Caesar in Julius Caesar?

Publius in the play Julius Caesar. In Act II scene 2, at the end right before sceen three. Publius: Good morrow, Caesar.

Who said all Gaul is divided into three parts?

Gaius Julius Caesar wrote this in his book, 'Commentarii de Bello Gallico'.

What are three key themes of William Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar'?

Jealousy, Rivalry and Revenge play importance in the world of Julius Caesar and co. Jealousy was the main reason for Caesar's death.

Who succeed Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar was succeeded by a triumvirate (three person rule); Mark Antony, Marcus Lepidus and Octavian who later became caesar and changed his name to Augustus.

What is the name of Julius Caesar's first wife?

Julius Caesar had two wives. His first wife was called Cornelia, and his second wife was called Pompeia.Julius caesar actually had 3 wives, Cornelia, Pompeia and Calpurnia.

Is it true that Julius Caesar was one of Shakespeare's greatest fictional characters?

Shakespeare wrote a play called Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar is not one of the main characters, he appears only three times. The scene of his murder is very famous. And of course, Julius Caesar is not a fictional character. He was a real historical person. I think that the person who asked the question knew that Julius Caesar existed.