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The Bill of Rights

Judiciary Act of 1789

Political Parties

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Q: What are three modifications made by our early leaders to the structure or the U.S government?
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How did the early colonies contribute to the principles of modern american government?

Early colonies contributed to the principles of modern American government through self government and the election of their local leaders.

Many early American leaders wanted to shift power from the states to what?

They wanted to shift to Presidency/Government.

Why does the US have a federal government?

Colonial leaders recognized very early that the individual States would not survive on their on.

Who are New Jerseys early leaders?

the early leaders are john Berkeley and George carteret

How did early American leaders resolve problems created by Articles of Confederation?

They wrote the U.s constitution to allow for a stronger central government

How did the weakness listed above influence the development of the U. government?

They motivated early U.S. leaders to establish a stronger central government whose power was checked by the Bill of Rights .

By what means did early ottomans expand their empire?

Suleyman the Lawyer gave the empire an efficient government structure and social organization.

Why did western countries hope to influence government in the middle east during the early 20th century?

To ensure that Middle Eastern leaders would continue supplying them with oil

Why did Western countries hope to influence government's in the middle east during the early 20th century?

To ensure that Middle Eastern leaders would continue supplying them with oil

Who were the early leaders of Georgia?

Lord Baltimore

Why are early leaders of the Hebrew people called patriarchs?

Only the early male leaders were called Patriarchs. The female leaders were called Matriarchs. They were called Patriarchs and Matriarchs because they were the fathers and mothers of Israel.

Who decided the canon of the New Testament?

The early leaders of the church decided the canon of the New Testament. These early leaders were Bishops in a number of cities in the Middle East.