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Q: What are three types of muscles that need rest?
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How long do muscles take to rebuild after lifing weights?

Muscles need about 24-48 hours of rest after a workout.

What muscles are used in a soccer pass?

There are two different types of soccer passes. A pass from the goalie will use the muscles of the arms. A pass from the rest of the players will use the muscles of the hips and legs.

What are the three things you can do to keep your skeletal muscles and systems healthy?

Rest, Exercise, and eat healthy foods

Why don't you want to exercise the same muscles everyday?

You cantexercisethe same muscles everyday because your muscles need time to heal and repair themselves.Do a workout regiment like for example upper body onMondayand you rest those muscles onTuesday, and do your lower body etc. etc.You need to rest your muscles at least one day so they can have time to heal and grow the most important part of working out is resting.

Is sleep a rest to body or soul?

body. you sleep because you need to rest your muscles or because you have so little energy that your brain forces you into sleep to conserve what is left.

What should you do when your muscles get tired?


Where do muscles get energy from when at rest?

The same place they get it from when they're used to do work ... the chemical potential energy that's extracted from food you eat, and stored in your body until the brain and muscles need it.

What are the three circular pathways blood can travel once it leaves the heart?

The three paths the blood can take once it has left the heart is to the brain, the lungs, and to the rest of the body and muscles. -Hope this helped(:


You are using the muscles too much. Rest them for awhile.

What is the remedy sore muscles if your client has complain about it?


Should a person drink protein on a rest day?

Yeah, muscles grow on rest days.