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people pee in it

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Q: What are three ways humans impact watersheds?
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How do humans affect the biosphere?

Humans affect the biosphere in numerous ways. One of the most common ways in which humans impact the biosphere is by their extraction of Natural Resources. Growth and expansion is another way in which humans affect the biosphere.

What are some ways humans impact the water cycle?

current for electricity

What are three ways humans interact with environment40 example?

Three ways with which humans interact with the environment include dependency for livelihood, to modify it and adapt to conditions.

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the impact of the savanna is when humans leave waste and this would effect the savanna in many ways.

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doing drugs,radiation and not exercising is three main ways.

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Why are towns and farms built in watersheds?

Towns and farms are built in watersheds because it fills water sources for people.

Ways that humans affect watersheds?

Pollution. Well, when people litter, thegarbage runs down to a watershed, polluting it. This causes animals to die, and watersheds run down to the ocean, so not only are you polluting the river or stream, but you are also polluting the ocean. It takes many people to do this, but you are part of it, my friend. :)Some ways to prevent pollution and protect watersheds are to block off unused roads, take a little bit of our tax money to tip into a streamside management zone, or insert bars by skid trails.

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How do humans impact tundra biomes?

Humans impact the tundra in negative ways. They drill for oil, clear out land, and lay pipelines and each of these things destroys habitats, making many species of animals homeless.

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Humans interact with the environment by harvesting crops, building infrastructure and breathing. The environment interacts with humans through erosion, the water cycle and weather patterns.

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Mrs mavromatis