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Three ways to make healthful choices would be to think before you drink; the best thing is plain water the worst is a soda, or even worse alcohol. Second would be think before you eat; the best is fresh natural unprocessed whole food and the worst is anything and everything that is deep fried. Third way would be to think before you lay down; the best thing would be that you did some exercise during the day and the worst would be if the last time you got up and did anything was the day before. If that's the case, promise yourself that you will do better tomorrow. Then, do your best to keep your promise. You see, changing habits is not really as easy as it sounds, just ask anyone that has tried to do that by making too many changes in a short period of time. That is a recipe for frustration and failure. Be patient with yourself and take small steps, one at a time, and after a while you will be surprised at how much progress you've made.

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13y ago

Avoid cholesterol and trans fat. Avoid tobacco and alcohol. Get plenty of exercise such as running and other cardio activities.

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