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postfelalovah. Its a type of medicine that got out dated and illegal in the U.S. I use it and it works. Many people in Africa use it also. Call your doctor and ask for an inhaler that has Tepoha. Do not over execercise! Valieoppolsiuse.

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Q: What are three ways to manage Asthma and allergies?
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What are ways to manage asthma and allergies?

postfelalovah. Its a type of medicine that got out dated and illegal in the U.S. I use it and it works. Many people in Africa use it also. Call your doctor and ask for an inhaler that has Tepoha. Do not over execercise! Valieoppolsiuse.

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What are three ways that people do to remedy the problems caused by allergies?

Reduce/remove the allergen, take medication, and maintain an overall healthy lifestyle.

Are there any ways to treat severe asthma?

Yes, there are many ways to treat severe asthma. All asthma treatments are individualized and should be used in conjunction with treatment from your doctor. There are drug treatments that your DR will recommend.

How do you manage money?

By spending your money on things that you will need , not what on things you want .

What are the different types of asthma how many different types are there?

This is hard to say. It can be classified in a number of ways. There is intrinsic and extrinsic asthma. Extrinsic would mean that something outside the patient triggers the asthma, like allergens or chemicals. Another way they classify it is by severity. A current goal of research is to try to find out ways to identify different subgroups that respond to different treatments. There are, however, labels for the different ways it is triggered. There is exercise-induced asthma, chemical-induced or occupational asthma, allergic-asthma, etc.

What is common ly used to treat asthma?

There are many different ways that people treat asthma. Asthma is a chronic condition, which means that it doesn't have a "cure" that will make it go away forever. Most people carry an inhaler with them that has the appropriate medication (a popular one is called Albuterol) that they use whenever their asthma starts to act up. Some people have allergy-induced asthma and take a pill to help with allergies, thus preventing them from an asthma attack. There is also a daily steroid inhaler called Advair. Advair is inhaled through the mouth either once or twice a day. Advair is very successful at preventing asthma attacks and small flares like chronic wheezing. Other than over-the-counter allergy medicine, all asthma inhalers are prescription medications.

What are good ways to lower allergies?

Eat citrus fruits and or broccoli.

How they manage the expenses?

There are a number of ways that people could manage their expenses. People could manage expenses by keeping a book.

How an asthma attack triggered?

There are many ways an asthma attack can be triggered i have asthma but mine is caused by smoke, running, and also to much powder but every human body is different and could be caused differently

What are some ways to stop your asthma?

There is no cure for asthma today but if you have it and is over weight for instance it can go away or get much much better of you loose the weight.

Are there any easy treatments for asthma?

Treating asthma is no easy task, and because of that everyone is looking for natural asthma treatments. There are various different ways to treat asthma, it can be done naturally, by using medications, or even by using herbal treatments can be used to treat asthma.