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Most animals have develop suction cups to keep them from being washed away

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Q: What are two adaptations that animals living in intertidal areas have to help them deal with crashing waves?
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How can a animal survive without adaptations?

all animals have to have adaptations in order to live. if an animal is living then it will always have adaptations

What are some adaptations animals have for living on land?

It has a little seed in it

Do all animals living in the same environment have similar adaptations?

no of course not GIRL

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Adaptation The study of adaptations is Ecology.

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they have to adapt to living in water and other things.

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Deserts do not adapt. That is something only living organisms such as plants and animals can do,

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Anti-predator adaptations are behaviors that animals have developed to warn other animals of predators. Group living with warning signals are some adaptations used.

Animals living in Australian biomes are adapted to live successfully in their environment what special adaptations do these animals have to live successfully in each biome?

They live in the your pool

What is terrestrial adaptation?

Terrestrial adaptations are exhibited by the plants and animals living in land habitats. As there are varied types of land habitats, the adaptations shown by organisms also are of diverse kinds.

What are some adaptations of animals living in fast moving water?

should know how to swim fastshould have good sense of eyesight

What animal or palnt uses the adaptation system?

Adaptations are necessary for animals whose living conditions might change. In general, all animals and plants are adapted to their environment.

Organisms living in intertidal zones have structural adatations that protect them from?

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