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Q: What are two different paths an igneous rock can take to become another Igenous Rock?
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Why is that igneous rock must always become sedimentary rock?

It doesn't have to. Most rocks exposed at the surface will erode and become sedimentary, but igneous rock that is underground can be remelted and become another igneous rock, or can become metamorphic.

How can an igneous rock become a metamorphic?

A metamorphic rock can become a igneous rock by melting and cooling

How do igneous rock become metamorphic rocks?

Metamorphic rocks become igneous rocks by melting from heat and pressure, remnants of which may cool from melt (magma) and become components of igneous rock.

How igneous rock become igneous?

because when it melts it turns in to magma

Are metamorphic rocks only from igneous rocks?

no any type of rock can become any other or another form of itself.

How can metamorphic become igneous rock?

Metamorphic rock can melt under the surface of the earth, and the harden into an Igneous rock. As an Igneous, it could crystalize, or break down into sediment where it can become either Igneous or Sedimentary.

What does slate become when it becomes a igneous rock?

An igneous rock is cooled magma. So first it would have to melt. From there it could become any igneous rock depending on the environment.

What types of rocks can become igneous rocks?

All rocks can become igneous rocks. With weathering and erosion, an igneous rock can become a sediment. Then with compaction and cementation, it can become a sedimentary rock. With heat and pressure, it will turn into a metamorphic rock. Or it can melt and turn into an igneous rock. There are many more ways rocks can change types... that is the rock cycle.

Are metamorphic rocks formed only from igneous rocks?

no any type of rock can become any other or another form of itself.

For metamorphic rock to become igneous rock what steps are necessary?

Metamorphic rock can not become igneous rock, however igneous rock can become metamorphic. This process happens over time as the rocks are shifted, compressed and heated by the Earth.

How can a metomorphic rock become an igneous rock?

Metamorphic rocks underground melt to become magma. When a volcano erupts, magma flows out of it. As the lava cools it hardens and becomes igneous rock.

What are the 5 steps for an igneous rock to become a sedimentary rock?

Weathering and ErosionDepositionCompactionLithificationCementationThose are the five steps for an igneous rock to become a sedimentary rock!