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The abolitionist movement in the South led to increased tensions between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions, contributing to the eventual outbreak of the American Civil War. Additionally, it raised awareness about the inhumanity of slavery, influencing public opinion and paving the way for the eventual emancipation of slaves through the passage of the 13th Amendment.

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Q: What are two effects of the abolitionist movement in the south?
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What were two ways which people took actions against slavery?


What happend in the trial of Emmett till?

The trial of Emmett Till was a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement. Two white men, Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam, were tried for Till's murder but were acquitted by an all-white jury. The trial highlighted the deep racial injustice in the South and galvanized the civil rights movement.

What were two ways in which people took actions against slavery?

People took actions against slavery through participating in abolitionist movements, such as the Underground Railroad and the formation of anti-slavery societies. Additionally, some individuals fought against slavery through legal means, such as advocating for the passage of laws that prohibited the buying and selling of enslaved people.

Why was Emmett till attacked?

Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy, was brutally attacked and murdered in 1955 in Mississippi for reportedly whistling at a white woman. His murder was a racially motivated crime that fueled the civil rights movement in the United States. The two men accused of killing him were acquitted by an all-white jury, highlighting the deep-seated racism and injustice prevalent in the American South at that time.

What are two effects of abolition?

Abolition of slavery led to the liberation and empowerment of enslaved individuals, allowing for improved social mobility and economic opportunities. Additionally, it contributed to a shift towards more inclusive and equitable societies, promoting human rights and social justice.

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NOpe they were separate

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By starting a tradition of action for social and political change.

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An abolitionist is a person who fights to abolish certain practices, like slavery. Two famous abolitionists are Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison.

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Is this about US History? If so, good examples from the 19th century include the Abolitionist movement, aimed at abolishing slavery. Another is the temperance movement, with strong leadership from the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and another is the women's suffrage movement seeking voting rights for women. In the 20th century, the Civil Rights Movement, the feminist movement and the anti-abortion movement are good examples (the latter two frequently opposed each other).

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he was an abolitionist

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Sojourner Truth was involved in the abolitionist movement, advocating for the end of slavery, and the women's rights movement, fighting for the rights of women, including the right to vote. She was a prominent figure in both movements, speaking out against injustice and inequality.

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The best-selling novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' promoted the Abolitionist movement, driving the two sides further apart. The newly-elected Lincoln refused to allow any new slave-states. The South was over-confident of its power to export cotton in exchange for war-supplies.

What was the result of of the 1851 publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin?

The book convinced more people to join the abolitionist cause. Apex :)

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Former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglas explained at a Fourth of July celebration, how unfairly slaves were treated in the South. As one example he reminded his audience that in Virginia there were seventy two laws for slaves mandating the death penalty. In contrast, Virginia had only laws dealing with the death penalty for whites.

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that he has two "e"s in his first name and two "s"s in his last name. and he was an abolitionist and an author