

What are two foods that thave high fiber?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What are two foods that thave high fiber?
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What is the role of fiber in the body Can you name two foods that are high in fiber?

The role of fiber: it sweeps out the large intestine, preventing constipation. But you have to drink enough water. Two fiber-rich foods: beets and mango. (Not to mention, fruits and vegetables in general.)

Where can I go to get information for diets that are high in fiber?

Good choice of picking a high fiber diet. There are two main sites that are used for information about these diets. They provide information about what fiber does and then a typical diet that would be beneficial. Here they are:

What are two foods containing fiber?

Beans and more beans. (and Fiber ONE products)

What is the most prescribed cholesterol treatment in the United States?

There are many treatments for high cholesterol. One of the most prescribed treatments by doctors for patients with high cholesterol is a diet high in fiber, and low in fatty foods. The most prescribed medication for cholesterol are two drugs called Lipitor and Zocor.

How to Add More High Fiber Foods to Your Diet?

Dietary fiber is an essential component of any diet for better health. Most people in the United States do not get as much dietary fiber through their diet as they need, leading to a wide range of health complaints. High fiber foods help relieve constipation and prevent the build up of toxins in your gastrointestinal tract. It moves food through your system faster, and makes digestion easier. It’s also been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Many people assume that high fiber foods must all be bland and tough, but this is not true. It’s easy to add more dietary fiber to any diet, without resorting to expensive fiber additives or eating pounds of tough to swallow foods. By adding a few high fiber foods to eat day’s consumption, anyone can increase their intake of fiber and the health benefits it provides. Whole fruits, with their skins intact, offer some of the most delicious and easy to eat fiber. Just one cup of raspberries provides a full 8 grams of fiber. Or, for people in a hurry, grab an apple or pear for around 5 grams of fiber. Many people incorporate juice in their diets to get the benefits of fruit, but juices have little to none of the fiber of a complete fruit. Replacing some of the liquid fruit in your diet with whole pieces can make a big difference to your health. For the most fiber per cup, add legumes as a side dish to your meals. Split peas, lentils, and black beans all offer over 15 grams of fiber per cup. Just two cups of lentils, topped with a bit of sour cream, can provide you will all of the fiber you need in a day. Many people avoid these foods, assuming they are bland. But by adding the correct spices and using the right cooking times, these fiber packed choices can be delicious and filling. Cooked and raw vegetables also offer a good source of dietary fiber. Steamed peas and raw broccoli top the list, offering 8 grams and 5 grams of fiber respectively. By making at least 2/3rds of your dinner plate consist of vegetables and healthy legumes, you can reap the benefits of a high fiber diet.

What are two healthy foods that people with a gestational diabetes diet can eat daily?

This site offers great information about a healthy diet for people with gestational diabetes: Some foods high in fiber are generally recommended, such as whole-grains, fruits, and vegetables.

How do you add fiber to your diet?

Some good healthy fiber: garbanzo beans, soybeans, fiber cereal (Kelloggs All Bran and Trader Joe's Organic "O"s are a couple good ones), fruit (apple's w/the peeling), vegetables (broccoli is a good one), add bran to oatmeal and pancakes (just throw in a handful). Benefiber is another source that won't add taste to drinks or food. Drink a lot of water. fruits,vegetables, wholegrain breads, bran Cereals, and crackers like wheat thins are a good source of fiber.

How to Eat More Fiber Foods?

Adding fiber to your diet is one of the best things you can do for your body. Foods that are high in fiber can help you lose weight, control blood sugar levels, and lower your blood cholesterol levels. Eating more fiber-rich foods is easy to incorporate into your daily routine if you follow these simple steps. Step One- Switch to Wheat Whether its your sandwich bread, bagels, muffins, or rice, switching to whole wheat will automatically put more fiber in your diet. Bread and grain products that are already something you enjoy and eat regularly will instantly become foods high in fiber. It is a quick and inexpensive way to “trick” your body into eating more fiber, since you were already consuming these bread products before. Step Two- Go Nuts! By getting a little nutty, you can create a snack that is high in fiber. Nuts are easy to pack as a snack on the go too for those afternoon cravings. Also, check out trail mixes that come with a variety of nuts for your fiber fix. If you don’t enjoy eating nuts on their own, try topping your cereal, ice cream, or yogurt with nuts to add some fiber without an overpowering nutty taste. Step Three- Eat More Fruits There are numerous fruits to choose from that are high in fiber that are also loaded with many other important vitamins for a healthy diet. Berries, apples, pears, bananas, and oranges are just a few of the fiber-rich fruits you can add to your diet. Whether you eat fruit as a snack or add them as a topping to your salad, cereal, or oatmeal, eating fruit on a regular basis will help you meet your body’s fiber needs. Step Four- Eat More Vegetables Vegetables are another excellent way to add more fiber to your meals. If you already eat vegetables as a side to your lunch or dinner, try replacing those vegetables with ones known to be high in fiber content. Such vegetables include broccoli, peas, artichoke, and spinach.

Are pinto beans good for diabetics?

If you have insulin resistance, hypoglycemia or Diabetes, pinto beans can really help you balance blood sugar levels while providing steady, slow-burning energy. Studies of high fiber diets and blood sugar levels have shown the dramatic benefits provided by these high fiber foods. Researchers compared two groups of people with Type II diabetes who were fed different amounts of high fiber foods. One group ate the standard American Diabetic diet, which contains 24 grams of fiber/day, while the other group ate a diet containing 50 grams of fiber/day. Those who ate the diet higher in fiber had lower levels of both plasma glucose (blood sugar) and insulin (the hormone that helps blood sugar get into cells). The high fiber group also reduced their total cholesterol by nearly 7%, their triglyceride levels by 10.2% and their VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein--the most dangerous form of cholesterol)levels by 12.5%. A cup of pinto beans provides 14.7 grams of fiber--that's 58.8% of the daily recommended value for this very important component of a healthy diet.

What is fiber and why is it not a nutrient?

Fiber is the indigestible portion of plant foods. There are two types; soluble which is fermented in the colon into gases and active byproducts, and insoluble which is metabolically inert that absorbing water as it moves through the digestive system. Fiber isn't considered a nutrient since it can't be digested by humans.

What is the best kind of food for a runner to eat?

It is not best to eat or snack right before a run, but snacking on something full of carbohydrates about one to two hours before a run will be beneficial. Try to stay away from any fatty foods or anything high in fiber.

Will your butt fall off if you eat two High Fiber Chewy bar in one day?

No, it is physically impossible for a buttocks to fall off. Most likely nothing bad will happen if you eat two High Fiber Chewy Bars in one day unless you have a habit of poor eating.