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Passive transport never requires energy - hence the name passive.

Active transport requires the input of energy. Two types of active transport are; primary (using pumps) and secondary (using anti or symports).

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Q: What are two types of cellular transport that do not require energy?
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What types of transport require ATP?

The two types of cell trnsport it Passive Transport and Active Transport. Active Transport does require energy to move into and out of the cell. Passive Transport doesn't require energy to move into and out of the cell. Hope I helped!

Does potential energy require the input of cellular energy?

No. Lots of types of energy can be converted to potential energy.

Why is diffusion any example of passive transport?

No, diffusion is passive transport.Active transport would be when there are actual proteins and structures involved in the transportation of molecules/chemicals/etc..A sure sign is that all of these (that I know of) require ATP.An example would be the Sodium-Potassium Pump located along one's neurons which actively pumps (aka. transports) sodium and potassium back and forth across the membrane to build up potential charge. This is how "signals" are sent down neurons and around the body.

What type of transport does not require energy?

passive transport does not need energy. And two types of passive tansport are osmosis and diffusion

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Diffusion and osmosis are forms of?

Both are types of passive transport because they require no energy (ATP) to move molecules.

What makes passive transport passive?

Passive transport is called passive because it doesn't require chemical energy intervention to occur. The four main types of passive transport are diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and filtration.

What types of transport requires no energy?

Passive Transport

What types of diffusion do not require energy?

Diffusion does not require energy. Diffusion is that natural tendency of particles to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentratrion and therefore, it does not need energy to occur.

What types of cells require energy?

All of your cells require energy. Without energy you wouldn't be alive.

What does a cell membrane have that makes it easier for certain molecules to cross the cell membrane?

A simple answer is transport proteins. There are several types. Some require the use of energy, while other simply use a gradient to transport.

How does a cell membrane allow nutrients to get in?

The cell membrane is semi-permeable, which means that it allows certain substances to go through.For substances that are too large, there are vacuoles and transport proteins that assist the large substances.There is also facilitated transport, passive transport, and active transport. Passive transport is the only one where substances can go through the membrane without the cell expending energy.