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While there are many ways that the two differ, the primary difference is that Buddhism has no deity (god) while Hinduism is polytheistic (many gods).

In addition

  • Buddhists have no creation story, Hindu have a poetic written tradition of this event.
  • Buddhists have no hierarchical clergy, Hindus have a Brahman caste
  • Buddhists have no formal places reserved for worship, Hindus have temples
  • Buddhism has no Caste System
  • The concept and process of reincarnation are handled differently

The overlap comes from the development of Buddhism from Hinduism. many parallel cultural memes are present (like Judaism and Christianity). These include:

  • A belief in reincarnation
  • The concept of Nirvana
  • The concept of Karma
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Q: What are two ways Buddhism is like Hinduism?
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