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The word trust is both a noun and a verb. The present participle, trusting, and the past participle, trusted, of the verb are both adjectives. Other adjectives are trustability, trustworthy, and trusty.

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Q: What are verb noun adjectrive and trust?
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What part of speech is the word trusted?

Noun: I have little trust. Noun: She put her wealth into a trust. Noun: I opened a trust in your name. Verb, transitive: Trust no future, however bright. Verb, transitive: I trust you. Verb, intransitive: He could never learn to trust.

What is the Kannada word for 'trust'?

In Kannada, trust is called Nambu(verb) or Nambike(noun).

What does trust mean in Italian?

noun : confidenza verb : confidare.

What is an abstract noun for trusting?

The word 'trusting' is the present participle of the verb 'to trust'; the present participle of the verb is a gerund (verbal noun), an abstract noun, and an adjective. The words trust, trusting, trustiness, and trustability are abstract nouns.

Is trust a noun?

The part of speech for trust depends on how it is used. See the examples below.Her parents started a trust fund for her the day she was born. (trust = adjective)Without trust, our marriage fell apart. (trust = abstract noun)I trust that this will not happen again. (trust = verb)

What is the abstract noun in the following sentence We trust that you will be there?

There are no abstract nouns in the sentence.The words in the sentence are:we, a personal pronoun, subject of the sentence;trust, the verb;that, a relative pronoun, introduces the relative clause;you, a personal pronoun, subject of the relative clause;will be, the verb of the relative clause;there, adverb, modifies the verb 'will be'.Note: The word 'trust' can function as both a verb and a noun. The noun 'trust' is an abstract noun as a word for confidence in someone or something; a word for a concept.

Is trusted an abstract noun?

The noun 'trust' is an uncountable, abstract noun as a word for belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something; a word for a concept.The noun 'trust' is a singular, concrete noun as a word for a legal document; a word for property held or managed by one person or organization for the benefit of another.The word 'trust' is also a verb: trust, trusts, trusting, trusted.

WHat is the Latin word for trustworthy?

The English word "trust" can be either a noun or a verb and both have several Latin possibilities. A Latin noun for trust would be "fiducia" and a Latin verb for trust would be "confido".

How do you say the word trust in Finnish?

"Luottamus" (noun), "Luottaa" (verb)

What is the Greek or for trust?

"εμπιστοσύνη" (embistoseenee) noun "εμπιστεύομαι" (embistevome) verb

Is trust a preposition?

No, trust is a noun that refers to the belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. It is not a preposition, which is a word that shows the relationship between a noun and another word in a sentence.

What is 'trust' in Polish?

Trust- Zaufanie (noun), Zaufać (verb). If you want to say 'Trust me' it's 'Zaufaj mi'. Hope it helps.