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a shoulder rest is an attachment

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Q: What are violin attachments?
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What attachments are available for a watchmaker's lathe?

There are many different attachments available for a watchmaker's lathe. Some of these include milling attachments and screw cutting attachments. You can also find attachments made for drilling.

What is violin in Malay?

violin ; biola ; violin

Do I have to purchase the attachments for the Swisher Power Multi Tool from Swisher or can I use standard attachments?

It comes with the standard attachments but more attachments are available for purchase.

How do you get two attachments on a handgun in mw3?

You level up your secondary that you want attachments on.

Who uses the violin?

Violinists use the violin. I use the violin.

The soprano voice of the string instruments?

Violin and viola

I can download attachments but Can not open attachments?

Depends on your format though.

How do you resend an email with attachments?

... and here are the ever-important attachments.

How do you open HTML attachments?

HTML Attachments can be opened via browsers. These attachments can be easily opened via most of the browsers.

What holds the strings on the violin?

Violin case- stores the violin for travel violin stand- displays a violin

What are the likely combinations of instruments in a trio sonata?

Violin + Cello + Piano Violin + Violin + Piano Violin + Viola + Piano

What is the ribs on a violin?

The ribs on the violin is the curves on the side of the violin, by the f holes.