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Q: What are web browsers and web servers of communication rules called?
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What term refers to the communication rules used by the computer?

Communication rules are called protocols.

Communication on a network follows rules of communication called network?


What is a set of rules that determines how browsers should web pages and how server computers should deliver them?

Such a "set of rules" is called a "protocol". The protocol in this specific case is called HTTP.

What is a form of communication using sound and symbols cominede according to specified rules called?

Language - a form of communication that has rules for the use of sounds and symbols.

What acronym is the protocol prefix Internet Explorer uses to refer to the set of communication rules used to connect to Web servers?

HTTP, or HyperText Transfer Protocol

What is a set of rules for exchanging electronic information called?

communication protocol

Rules that govern the process of network communication are called?


Where is the best place to buy Minecraft Servers?

There is this Server called Punchblocks its IP: Its the best server but you have to follow the rules.

The rules of online communication among computers are called?

this are called protocols im in a it class and we have went over this topic =) so i hope tyhis helps

This system of pathways used for communication and the protocol and methods used for transmission are collectively called the?

This system of pathways used for communication and the protocol and methods used for transmission are collectively called the bus. A protocol is a set of rules and standards that any two entities use for communication.

How do basic elements of effective communication differ from basic rules of health care communication?

Basic elements of effective communication are clear, its interpersonal. Basic rules of health care communication are deemed as being collaborative efforts.

Rules in using non verbal communication effectively?

communication is the key...!no it wont be effective.