

What are you guys looking for in a girl?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Yes there are many places that can help you do this. I would try these several sites for ideas. They are and

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they want respect

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Q: What are you guys looking for in a girl?
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You shouldn't worry what guys are looking for, just be yourself

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Maybe they look when you're not looking at them! Some guys are shy and don't want to be caught looking at a girl.

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Because most guys aren't looking for love, they are just looking for a good time, but some guys aren't like that

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The main thing they are looking for is confidence in a girl. you can ask anyone

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depends on the girl and where you're looking. most girls like guys who look into their eyes or at their face, but they dont like guys looking at their chest/breasts, butt, and sometimes hips or stomach. but like i said, it depends on what kind of girl it is, but girls don't necessarily liked being looked at by their "body".

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Good looking guys? Well, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Usually one looks best when well groomed. Often times the better looking guys are arrogant and not work a good country girl's time of day.

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A straight guy can find girl-on-girl pornography. A lot of guys are into this. If you are a straight girl, who likes looking at lesbians, maybe you should ask yourself why. Or why you think you are straight?

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Most guys don't want to be dating a girl drenched in make-up and looking fake. Most guys want a girl that is either naturally pretty or wearing natural make-up

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most guys when looking for a girl look how pretty they are and how daring you are... sometimes if your lucky they look at your personality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(: DONT TAKE MY ADVICE