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Well, It really depends on you.

If you go through the day being hygienic IE washing hands throughout the day especially before meal times then you chances of being infected are much lower than for people who don't. Don't be to worried about it though, as long as you wash you keep you personal hygiene to a high priority then you'll be fine.

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Q: What are your chances of catching Swine Flu?
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What are the chances of getting Swine Flu on the airplane?

The chances of catching swine flu while travelling by air , is indeed very high as the person or persons on the plane can pick it on a holiday or work trip.

If you are a baby can get the Swine Flu?

Yes. Anybody is suceptible to catching the virus.

What are the chances of getting swine flu on a public playground?

They hi shawty

If you have Swine Flu can you get it again?

chances are you probably wont but you cant garentee

If I test positive for the seasonal flu could I still have Swine Flu?

Possible but the viruses are very similar, if your body is already fighting seasonal flu chances are it will be more effective at combating swine flu anyway.

If youre 12 and live in Liverpool will you die from the Swine Flu if you get it?

Unless you have a compromised immune system, the chances of dying from the swine flu are low when under medical supervision.

Will I die of Swine Flu because I live in the UK?

The chances are you won't. As of Monday 20th July 2009, the only people who have died from swine flu (or pig flu) in the UK have had underlying health problems or have recently given birth to a child. Also, it depends on where you live in the UK; if you live in Scotland, the West Midlands or London, you have a greater chance of contracting the virus. Nevertheless, even in those three most infected areas of the United Kingdom, the probability of catching swine flu is still minimal, so you need not worry too much yet. Scientists are preparing a vaccine for swine flu, work is well underway, but it may not be ready until October. Until then, there is a drug called Tamiflu which can be taken to reduce the effects of swine flu, but it will not protect you from catching the virus itself.

Will everyone get Swine Flu in Canada?

Maybe. There are already tons of people in vancouver, edmonton, calgary, toronto, ontario, and quebec who has the swine flu. Chances are, if you wash your hands carefully, eat your veggies, keep away from people who might be sick, you won't get the swine flu. i live in Coquitlam, BC, Canada, and in my town, nobody has the swine flu yet.

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Is the Swine Flu in Oregon Salem yet?

is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet

Are the flu and Swine Flu the same?

No, Swine Flu is just one strain of the many flu viruses. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza. So Swine Flu is a type of flu, but all flu is not the swine flu, there are other kinds.

What are the different types of bird flu?

Swine Flu