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It means you are accepting financial responsibility for the child at least until that child is eighteen years of age.

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Q: What are your responsibilities if you claim to be the father of a child who is not yours?
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Can you claim a child on your taxes if its not yours?

no, unless you are their legal guardian.

What are the financial responsibilities of a citizen to an alien when there is a child and no marriage?

Just because your partner has no marital binding to you does not exclude you to your responsibilities to your child. You are still liable for child support. Sorry, it is probably not what you wanted to hear but the child is still half yours.

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Tell me the process of adopting a child not yours in a marriage. The biological father is deceased.

When filing for a divorce can the court make you pay child support for a child that's not yours?

If you have signed the birth certificate, then yes, that child is considered yours to support and claim. In some states, you can pay for that child if you provided support or let that child take on your name.

Your girlfriend and her child live with you Can you claim head of household and also the child?

over the house yes, over the child...maybe not so much.. specially if the child is not yours.

Is a biological parent liable for child support up until an adoption takes place?

Yes. Up until that moment the child is yours along with the responsibilities.

Can the mother of your child legally sign the child's rights over to the child's grandparents when im not an unfit father?

She can terminate her parental rights, not yours.

Do you have to pay child support if you file for divorce and find out child isn't yours?

Maybe not, if the court rules that you aren't the father.

Can you claim a child that's not yours for financial assistance?

If you support this child then you should be able to however you should seek legal advice that is relevant to your local area.

I married my son's father and he was paying child support what will happen?

now that you are married to the father of your child he doesn't pay child support but pays no gives more money to support yours and his child and running the household. good luck

17and engaged and pregnant what are my rights Can i move in with the father of my child legally?

I know of no legal bar to you moving in with the child's father. For the child's sake and yours, however, I urge you two to get married, or at least establish legal paternity.

If a man was tricked into signing divorce papers and it resulted in his having to pay child support for a child that is not his is he still responsible once he learns he is not the father?

First, you're probably an adult, so no one "tricked" you into anything. Your choices are your choices and you're responsible for them. Secondly, you shouldn't have to pay child support for a child that isn't yours, but you'll need to approach the court with proof, such as an admission form the baby's father or a paternity test that validates your claim.