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Q: What area of land did the United States purchase from France?
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Related questions

When was Missouri admitted to The Louisiana Purchase?

The Louisiana purchase didn't have territory admitted to it, but it was an area of land the United States bought from France. Later, states will be created from that land.

Did The Louisiana Purchase triple the size of the US?

Yes, the 1803 Louisiana Purchase from France more than doubled the size of the territorial area of the United States.

What resulted from The Louisiana Purchase?

we got the louisiana territory from france (Napoleon sold it to Lincoln).

How was the Louisiana purchase beneficial to the US?

Through the Louisiana Purchase the United States acquired an area more than 828,000 square miles, doubled the size of the United States and opened up the continent to its westward expansion and also provided access to the Mississippi River .

Compare the surface area of France to the United States?

France is a little smaller than Texas (dummy)

What area did the Louisiana purchase cover?

The Louisiana Purchase covered the mid-west region of the United States.

Is Louisiana Purchase Treaty the letter that bought a continent?

No, the Louisiana Purchase Treaty refers to the agreement signed in 1803 between the United States and France. This treaty allowed the United States to purchase a vast territory, including the area of land west of the Mississippi River, known as the Louisiana Territory. It did not buy a continent, but it significantly expanded the size of the United States.

What do countries do when they fight a war they can not afford?

They tax the population of their country or sell something. Napoleon sold the area that France claimed in the United States. Thus, we have the Louisiana Purchase and gained the middle of the country.

What were the major results in the Louisiana Purchase?

the area of the United States doubled. The US achieved Manifest Destiny from Sea to Shining Sea and France received the money they required to continue the war in Europe.

What famous document made most of the area along the Mississippi the property of the united states?

What famous document made most of the area along the mississippi the property of the united states?

What president added the most land area to the United states?

Thomas Jefferson, with the Louisiana Purchase.

How the Louisiana Purchase affected the nations?

The Louisiana Purchase increased the area of the United States by over 800,000 miles. All or parts of 14 states resulted from the purchase over the next 100 years.