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nearly all regions of earth have Muslim people and Islam is spreading all over the world.

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Q: What areas are influenced by the spread of Islam?
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Which 4 areas were influenced by the spread of Islam?

If you mean areas of land that are influenced by spread of Islam, then the answer is: Middle East, North Africa, Indian subcontinent, and South East of Asia.If you mean areas of human life and relationships, then the answer is: polytheism, woman human rights, racism and discrimination, tolerance and forgiveness, and science research and development.

Which area was least influenced by the spread of Islam in North Africa?


In what areas was Islam spread?

All over the world

What are some areas far from the birthplace of Islam where the religion has spread?

Islam has spread to all continents of the world , the farthest point is Alaska .

Islam area of the world?

Islam is spread all over the areas of the world although with different percentages.

Which 3 areas did islam spread through after muhammeds death?

Persia, India, Europe

Which area was least influenced by the spread of Islam out of Yemen Bosnia China Northern Nigeria and Turkestan?

China was the least influenced, especially if you exclude Western China (Xijang and Xinjiang). The other regions listed (Yemen, Bosnia, northern Nigeria, and Turkestan) are all majority-Muslim areas.

Where are the areas of religion of Islam?

Islam religion is spread all over the world. However, Islam religion is major religion in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia.

How has Islam influenced culture in Bangladesh?

Islam, has not influenced culture in Bangladesh,plz,don't ask question on musline,and i mean Islam

How did Islam spread to libya?

Islam spread to libya by other countries

A struggle or conflict to spread Islam?

A struggle or conflict to spread Islam is a Jihad

How did Islam spread by?

Islam never spread by war. Refer to question below.