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central Australia and in darwin are most at risk

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Q: What areas of Australia are at that most risk of acid rain?
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Where in the world does acid rain cause the most problems?

california and mostly in australia

Is acid rain over?

No. Acid rain still occurs in many areas.

Where in Australia are the floods?

Most of the floods in Australia happen in the northern more tropical areas because it receives the greatest amount of rain.

Why isnt australia affected by acid rain?

Acid rain is formed when sulphur emitted principally from coal burning power stations dissolves and reacts in rain water to form a weak solution of Sulphric Acid (H2SO4). Where the resulting rain falls on forested areas the acidic water leads to defoliation and tree death. The problem occurs where industrialised power generation is upwind of forested areas, such as the area across the North Sea from England to the forests of Scandinavia. In Australia the principal areas of power generation are in the coastal areas of the west, and in the more heavily populated areas of Victoria and New South Wales. In the former case, the pollutants are blown by prevailing winds into areas of very little rainfall, and disperse into the atmosphere. In the latter case, the polluting gases are blown over the Tasman Sea and South Pacific where the precipitation falls into the ocean. In both cases, the effect of acid rain is negligible on Australia.

What cities are located in areas with high levels of acid rain?

Cities tend to make their own acid rain.

Are there any areas affected by acid rain in Tennessee?


What kind of rain is an environmental problem?

Acid rain is the environmental problem in industrial areas.

What countries are not affected by acid rain?

The countries that are not affected by acid rain are Australia,New Zealand and alot more!

Is rainwater base or acid?

In many cases, in a large part of the world, rain is neutral pH, but in industrial areas, or other polluted areas, rain can be a little bit acid. The interesting thing about acid rain is that it apparently blocks a little of the warming from the sun.

What type of rain falls in areas that have air pollution?


Why do large areas in Australia not have any rivers?

Because large areas of Australia are desert and see very Little rain.

What type of rain can be found in heavily industrial areas with large amounts of air pollution?

Acid Rain