

What array used for in c?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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7y ago

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Arrays are used when you require constant-time random-access to a collection of anonymous variables of the same type.

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Q: What array used for in c?
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Heres something i whipped up in a hurry... This uses the Bubble Sort method found (related links) #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, const char* argv) { int arraysize = 5; //Unsorted array size int array [] = { 5, 3, 4, 2, 1 }; //The array of numbers itself //Display the unsorted array cout << "Before: {"; for (int c=0; c <= arraysize; c++) { cout << array[c]; if (c != arraysize) { cout << ","; } } cout << "}" << endl; //Acctually sort the array int tmp=0; //Used for swaping values for (int loop=0; loop <= (arraysize - 1); loop++) { for (int c=0; c <= (arraysize - 1); c++) //The sort loop { if (array[c] > array[c + 1]) { //Swaps the two values in the array tmp = array[c]; array[c] = array[c + 1]; array[c + 1] = tmp; //Cleanup tmp = 0; } } } //Display the sorted array cout << "After: {"; for (int c=0; c <= arraysize; c++) { cout << array[c]; if (c != arraysize) { cout << ","; } } cout << "}" << endl; return 0; }

What is the array of string in c?

A string in C is stored in a 1 dimension array so an array of strings is simply a two dimension array.

What is the lowest subscript of an array in c plus plus?

The lowest subscript of an array in C, or C++ is 0.

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You cannot add elements to a fixed array in C or C++. If, however, the array is declared as a pointer to an array, you can add elements by allocating a new array, copying/adding elements as needed, reassigning the new array to the pointer, and deallocating the original array.

What is the difference between array in c and c sharp language?

The syntax to access a particular element in an array are the same in both languages: For example: assume array is an array of 10 int(egers): to get the first element: array[0] (both are 0 based indexing] int i = 0; while (i < array.Length) { // do something to array[i] } int i = 0; int length = sizeof(array) / sizeof(int); while (i < length) { // do something to array[i] } However, an array in C# is also enumerable (C does not have this feature) in C#, you may loop thru the array by: foreach (int number in array) { // do something to array[i] } Plus, C# is an Object-Oriented Language, so that an array may be of some object types, not just those primitiives data types in C: object[] objectArray; // any object derived from Object may be placed into objectArray, not just struct. In another variation, an array may be of Delegate type in C#(sort of like function pointers in C)

How do you use an array to show the commutative property?

If the array consists of r rows and c column, and the total number of cells in the array are n = r*c, then r*c = n and c*r = n so that r*c = c*r : which is commutativity of multiplication.

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#include main() { int array[100], minimum, size, c, location = 1; printf("Enter the number of elements in array\n"); scanf("%d",&size); printf("Enter %d integers\n", size); for ( c = 0 ; c < size ; c++ ) scanf("%d", &array[c]); minimum = array[0]; for ( c = 1 ; c < size ; c++ ) { if ( array[c] < minimum ) { minimum = array[c]; location = c+1; } } printf("Minimum element is present at location number %d and it's value is %d.\n", location, minimum); return 0; }

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cod a program student degree array in c language

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Wright a 'C' program for storage representation of 2-D array.

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Option 1) Use a temporary variable: int x = array[i]; array[i] = array[i+1]; array[i+1] = x; Option 2) Use bit operators: array[i] ^= array[i+1] ^= array[i];

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