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Phidias sculpted this brilliant peace of art work. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was created by the Greek sculptor Phidias, in about 432 B. The statue of the seated god was some 12 meters (39 feet) tall and occupied the whole width of the aisle of the temple built to house it.

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13y ago

The artists in ancient Greece are not known by name. Sculpting, painting and other art forms were considered trades, just like a carpenter or a stone mason.


Yet two famous painters were Zeuxis and Bryaxis.

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14y ago

If you mean sculptors in the myths themselves, then there's Hephaestus, who created Pandora, the first woman. There's also Pygmalion, who spurned love and created the statue of a woman. He fell in love with the statue, and Aphrodite (or Venus, as she's referred to in the myth) took pity on him and changed the statue into a woman.
If you mean sculptors who carve figurines from Greek mythology, a famous statue is Venus de Milo, said to be carved by Alexander of Antioch. Praxiteles is said to have carved Venus Braschi and The Marathon Youth. The Statue of Hermes is said to be carved by Pypsippos. But many statues are simply too old for someone to be able to tell who created it.

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13y ago

Not many artist modernly do explicit images of Greek gods, however many conservative painters put in references to Greek artwork due to its influence. has an online collection of artists that you can view. If you would like to see Greek influenced art I would suggest looking at artists around or the neo-classical period. Wedgewood is the name of a pottery company that is highly influenced by Greek frieze's.

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