

Best Answer

People have argued that the material in the Pali Canon, particularly in the Sutta-Patika and Vineya Patika, being among the older, if not oldest, Buddhist scriptures, represent the closest we can get to the historical Buddha's teaching. However, Edward Conze argues that in may not be that the older texts be the exclusive repository for the teachings of the Buddha--that Mahayana texts may also contain materials that go back to the historical Buddha. There is no best of anything in Buddhism. The Buddha taught in many different ways about many different things to many different people. The reason for this is that each person needs to reach enlightenment by a different path because we all start from a different place. Therefore, the best in Buddhism is what works for YOU.

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Q: What aspect of Buddhism is the best and the original one that Buddha himself taught?
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What is the aspect of Buddhism?

The aspects of Buddhism are the various qualities which the Buddha taught lead to enlightenment. The four noble truths of Buddhism are that suffering is part of life, that suffering is caused by desires, that happiness is possible by learning to be present in the moment, and that by following the Eight-Fold Path ends suffering.

Where do buddist go on a pilgrimage?

Lord Buddha was born in India. He share His Teachings in India and He died in India. Whether Buddha exist or not, the world and what it contains was, is and will be subject to the Natural Laws. Lord Buddha package these Laws and shared His way of life; to be liberated out of Samsara, an everlasting birth and death cycle. To cultivate His way of life we need to look inwards (within us) and not really on rituals. Pilgrimage is part of the ritual aspect and Buddhism does not emphysis much on it. Buddhism is really a mind culture with emphysis on training the mind, of living 'Now' and in doing so we bring the 'mountain' to us instead of we going to the 'mountain'. To go on a pilgrimage is just a historical tour nothing spiritual.

What belief helped Buddhism become popular with the population?

Buddhism rejects the Hindu caste system, a controversial aspect of Hinduism.

Why is Initiation important to Buddhism?

Initiation is important to all religions, not just Buddhism, but Buddhism's initiation is pretty simple. There are two ways to become a Buddhist, and both have the same starting point. First you should understand what Buddhism is. Understanding is an important aspect of Buddhism since it is a contemplative (thoughtful), investigative practice. So do some investigation and ask questions of Buddhists. If Buddhism still appeals to you, you can join a Buddhist Sangha (group of fellow Buddhists studying and practicing together), support them and go through an Affirmation ceremony. If you do not have a Sangha in the area, you can simply decide to be a Buddhist and take The Three Refuges vow, like I did, which is simply:I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and to see with real understanding the Four Noble Truths, ~ Suffering, the Cause of Suffering, the Transcending of Suffering and the Noble Eightfold Path that leads to the transcending of suffering, This indeed is a safe refuge, it is the refuge supreme. It is the refuge whereby one is freed from all sufferingAnd then live your life as The Buddha has taught.

A unique aspect of religion in Japan is that?

Many Japanese practice both Buddhism and Shinto.

What is known as the ultimate reality for Buddhism?

The ultimate reality or ultimate truth is the inherent nature of everything. It is how things really are. Everything has an ultimate or absolute aspect and a relative aspect. The relative aspect is how things appear. The ultimate is how things actually are. These two aspects of everything are called "the two truths" in the Buddhist teachings. The two truths should not be understood as two separate things but rather as two aspects of one single reality.

What aspect of Korean culture that was influenced by the spread of Buddhism?

With the rise of Buddhism, Korea’s contacts with the outside world grew, and scholarship, arts, science and technology which were imported to Korea from China, India and regions beyond brought about the enrichment of Korean culture.

What key aspect of Hinduism did buddha reject?

Lord buddha did not like the Caste System & the idea of one human supreme to other. He also did not like the idea of praying to God while people are starving.

What aspect of Buddhism is considered a step too far for most Indians?

I would have to say that the belief in no immortal omniscient deities was too far for many.

How is the Buddhism in Tibet unique?

In Tibet, the Buddhist leaders, called lamas, also led the government. When religious leaders head government, it is called a theocracy (thee-AH-kruh-see). The Dalai Lama was the lama who headed the government, and the Panchen Lama was the lama who led the religion. Both were considered reincarnations of Chenrezi, the buddha or bodhisattva of compassion.Tibetan Buddhism is known as Vajrayana Buddhism, also as tantric Buddhism. It is a form of Mahayana Buddhism based on Indian Buddhism and emphasizing realization through direct practice.Among the unique aspects of Tibetan Buddhism are the teachings of the bardos, or in-between states, including the state between death and the next rebirth. Other bardos are the bardo of birth, the dream state, and the state of meditation.The terma tradition is another unique aspect of Tibetan Buddhism. Terma ('treasures') are teachings hidden in secret places by a Buddha for discovery by future generations. These could be actual texts or sacred objects (e.g., a statue) hidden in caves, or they could be 'mind terma,' teachings transmitted mentally, and received through meditation by an advanced practitioner called a terton. The great Indian teacher who brought Buddhism to Tibet, Padmasambhava, was said to have concealed terma in 108 places. The Bardo Thodol, the so-called Tibetan Book of the Dead, is one of his terma.One of the unique practices in Tibetan Buddhism is tummo, or 'inner heat.' It is a yogic practice that has the effect of raising the temperature of the body. Though that is not the goal of the practice, it must have come in quite handy for Tibetan monks as they sat meditating in the snow of the Himalayas!

How is Buddhism in unique?

In Tibet, the Buddhist leaders, called lamas, also led the government. When religious leaders head government, it is called a theocracy (thee-AH-kruh-see). The Dalai Lama was the lama who headed the government, and the Panchen Lama was the lama who led the religion. Both were considered reincarnations of Chenrezi, the buddha or bodhisattva of compassion.Tibetan Buddhism is known as Vajrayana Buddhism, also as tantric Buddhism. It is a form of Mahayana Buddhism based on Indian Buddhism and emphasizing realization through direct practice.Among the unique aspects of Tibetan Buddhism are the teachings of the bardos, or in-between states, including the state between death and the next rebirth. Other bardos are the bardo of birth, the dream state, and the state of meditation.The terma tradition is another unique aspect of Tibetan Buddhism. Terma ('treasures') are teachings hidden in secret places by a Buddha for discovery by future generations. These could be actual texts or sacred objects (e.g., a statue) hidden in caves, or they could be 'mind terma,' teachings transmitted mentally, and received through meditation by an advanced practitioner called a terton. The great Indian teacher who brought Buddhism to Tibet, Padmasambhava, was said to have concealed terma in 108 places. The Bardo Thodol, the so-called Tibetan Book of the Dead, is one of his terma.One of the unique practices in Tibetan Buddhism is tummo, or 'inner heat.' It is a yogic practice that has the effect of raising the temperature of the body. Though that is not the goal of the practice, it must have come in quite handy for Tibetan monks as they sat meditating in the snow of the Himalayas!

What aspect of Chinese culture did prince shotoku introduce into Japanese society?

Prince Shotoku inspired Japan to learn from China and helped spread Buddhism to Japan.