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The asteroid that passed nearest to the sun was the asteroid that fell to the Gulf of Mexico and killed all of the dinosaurs.

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Q: What asteroid passes nearest to the sun?
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What is the hottest asteroid?

The one nearest the sun at any given moment.

Does an an asteroid have a larger acceleration when it is nearest to the sun or the earth?

The Sun has a much larger gravitational pull , an asteroid would be pulled faster toward the sun, if it were in the same proximity.

What are the two nearest neighbors of Jupiter?

In the solar system Saturn is the nearest neighbor to Jupiter outward from the sun. Inward toward the sun, Mars is the nearest planetary neighbor to Jupiter, but the many asteroids and several minor planets in the "asteroid belt" are closer to Jupiter than is Mars.

What relationship does the asteroid belt and the sun have?

A comet orbiting the sun will always have it's tail pointing away from the sun.

What is the revolution of the asteroid belt around the sun?

how long does it take the asteroid belt to revolve around the sun?

What dwarf planet is closest to the sun?

Ceres, also designated 1 Ceres or (1) Ceres, is the nearest dwarf planet to the Sun which is located in the main asteroid belt between mars and jupiter.

Did Venus pass the sun or the moon?

The sun. The moon orbits the earth and is our nearest space object - sometimes it passes between us and the sun, this is called a lunar eclipse. Venus orbits the sun. It is nearer the sun than us, so very occasionally it passes between us and the sun. This is called the transit of Venus.

What is a rock orbiting the sun?

It is an asteroid.

Does a asteroid orbit the sun?

Yes. Asteroids orbit the sun.

Which planet is the nearest the the sun?

Mercury is the planet that is nearest the sun.

How is an asteroid released from the asteroid belt?

Usually by another asteroid moving through the belt and hitting one, creating a force to move an asteroid from its orbit. Also, if a large enough asteroid passes by, it is possible that the gravity that it generates could pull a few off.

How long would it take an asteroid to hit the sun?

It would depend entirely on how far away the asteroid was from the sun. Furthermore, which sun are you referring to? There are many suns in the solar system.