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Main Difference: The Messiah

Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism. The Jewish faith predicts the coming of the Messiah. Christians believe that Christ was that Messiah, it is just that people of the Jewish faith have not realized that yet.

As the Messiah Christ fulfilled God's promise and salvation became perfect through belief in him rather than imperfect in people trying to keeping to the Jewish Law.

The one main belief that made Christianity different from Judaism was the belief that Jesus the Son of Mary and the Son of God was the long looked for Messiah that The Bible predicted. Judaism does not believe the Messiah has come.

Many Other Core Differences

The majority of core tenets found in Christianity completely go against the teachings of Judaism.

Examples of tenets that Judaism doesn't accept:

  • The Christian concept of salvation and grace
  • The concept of original sin
  • The concept of damnation
  • The concept of heaven and hell
  • The existence of the devil
  • The Christian concept of of messiah
  • The concept of the trinity
  • Praying through intermediaries
  • The concept of a literal child of God
  • The idea that one man can atone for the sins of another

These are just some examples, there are far more differences between Judaism and Christianity.

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Q: What basic belief made Christianity different from judaism?
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What basic belief made Christianity diff from judaism?

There were a great many of them, but if restricted to only one, I would have to select the deification of Jesus.

What describes a basic belief or practice in Judaism?

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Hersey is the belief that contradicts basic church teachings! Hope I helped

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Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all share the same common origin, which they trace back to the patriarch Abraham. The three religions also have similar basic beliefs, such as only worshipping one god.

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Belief in One God, the Creator, who took us out of Egypt. Belief in the Torah. Awareness that each person has an immortal soul.

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