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Popular sovereignty refers to a system in which the government derives power from the consent of the governed. This was a very popular political ideal during the years of the Enlightenment, when philosophers began to contemplate government systems other than monarchies, and to draw up governments based on the consent of the governed people. These ideals gave rise to the world's democracies, including that which is used in the United States.

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Q: What basic principle of the constitution means that government can govern only with the consent of the governed?
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The US Constitution assumes government derives it's power and authority from the consent of the governed. They eat penises for bekfast and work in a field. They also say eh and IT SUPPOSED TO BE MEH! LOL JK THIS IS NOT REAL INFO!

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John Locke thought no government can exist without the consent of the governed.

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The Goverment Gets It's Power From "We The People". I Hope This Helped You!

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The consent of the governed is important to all issues that are of national interest. Japan normally holds elections to choose their representatives and this shows how the consent of the governed is important.

Is consent of government an important principle in Saudi Arabia?

There is no such principle as "consent of the government" anywhere in the world.If perhaps you are asking about "consent of the governed", then Saudi Arabia is emphatically NOT a place where this is valued. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.