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Q: What battle did general lee lose one third of his army?
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Confederate General defeated Pope's Army of Virginia in the Second Battle of Bull Run that ran from August 29 to September 1, 1862. This was a stunning victory for Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, and a humiliating loss for the Union.

How did the French army lose the Battle of Blenheim in 1704?

The Battle of Blenheim took place in Bavaria in 1704. The French army lost control of the battle because the Allied forces manged to break through the center of the French battle lines. The French lost two thirds of their army while the Allies lost only 20%. If General Lee could have had the same results against General Meade, Gettysburg would have been a Confederate victory. Despite this, Blenheim was the first battle not the last one in the war of Spanish Succession.

How many soldiers did the confederate side lose in the battle of Gettysburg?

At the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, the Confederate army suffered 28,000 casualties. This figure represents both wounded and killed soldiers.

What battle did lee lose his first general accidentally shot by his own men?

ANSWER At the Battle of Chancellorsville, where General Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson was accidently shot by his men.

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The battle was initially lost to General Santa ann at the Alamo but as the men knew the mexicans were coming, sent for reinforcements. A consequence was all the men died their but were later avenged when the American forces caught up with the fleeing Mexican army.

How many men did general Meade lose during the battle of Gettysburg?

23,000 men.

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Harald lost the battle due to Williams tactics of moving his troops out of their battle positions. Williams idea very soonly decreased his army.

What battle did the US Army lose to Native Americans?

The U.S. Army in the late 1800's to early 1900's was led by General Custer, who wanted to get rid of the Indians. The Indians fought back because they were tired of being persecuted and pushed around. They eventually won their freedom.

Why did George Washington lose the battle of long island?

pay attention in S.S - Mustafa M. NEW RESPONDENT Because Washington Army of about 10,000 men was outnumbered by the British Army of about 32,000 men. Furthermore, British Gen. Lord Howe succeeded in outmaneuvering the Americans, mounting a massive attack led by the bulk of his army on the rear of the Patriot's right flank, thus provoking the collapse of Washington Army.

Who did the South lose in the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Robert E. Lee won a great victory at Chancellorsville in 1863. His top general, Stonewall Jackson. was wounded there however, and died a few days later. It was a large loss for the Southern army.

Did the Confederates lose the battle of Gettysburg?

because they did