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The CSA won just about every battle and still lost the war. First Manassas, Second Manassas, Shiloh, and Chancellorsville were among many Confederate victories.

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Q: What battles did the confederate states win?
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How many battles did the confederate win in the civil war?

only three

What wars did the Confederate Army win?

None, the Confederate Army lost the war, though they won many battles in the early part of the war.

Were there civil war battles fought in Florida?

Yes. Civil War battles were fought in all 11 Confederate states.

What Confederate states were no battles fought?

All eleven of the Confederate states saw a battle of some consequence, with Florida having the fewest and Virginia having the most.

Did the south win any battles in the winter?

Yes, The Battle of Fredricksburg was fought in December, and it was a Confederate victory.

How many battles were confederate victories?

Three battles were won by the confederate

How did the confederate states win in the battle of sabine pass?

they shot everone with rifls

In the civil war which side was most destroyed?

In the Civil War, most of the destruction was suffered by the Confederate States because few battles were fought in Union States.

When were there an important civil war battles fought in Georgia?

Chickamauga in Summer '63 - a Confederate win by Braxton Bragg over William Rosecrans. Atlanta in Summer '64 - a Union win by William Sherman over John Hood. This was followed by Sherman's March to the Sea, in which there were no battles, to speak of.

What role did Glorieta Pass play in the Civil War Battles in NM?

In March of 1862, Confederate and Union forces battled in the New Mexico Territory. In summary, it was a Confederate win, but tactically it was a draw. In general terms, the result was that neither the North or the South had much at stake in the New Mexico Territory.

How many battles did Custer win?

George Custer fought in a total of 15 battles as a part of the United States Union. Of those 15 battles George Custer and his union won 9.

How did Stonewall Jackson help the Americans win?

Stonewall Jackson was a Confederate General. He was killed in one of the battles, maybe Chickamauga. He was not a Federal or Union officer, like Grant.